Did anyone try to spawn in cyyc

and yet again, another sim breaking/christmas ruining update.
they added ice/snow accumulation, cyyc currently is the best location to spawn at in the search of such weather. to my surprise, the sim crashes to desktop everytime i try to load cyyc and no matter which airplane i use.

spawned into CYYC fine. currently snowing and snow on the ground.

I can spawn in to both gates/runway just fine a CYYC. Weird.

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Is your community folder emptied?

Have you read any of the forums? I post on the daily… and 90% of the questions are 100% the user’s fault, so my apologies for assuming.

BTW, I just loaded the A320 NX mod and my plane is taking off as we speak. No issues except for the co-pilot screens are blank. Also, the FBW discord is where you should be posting/asking since they control fixing the mod.

Good to know that your sim is working well !
did I mention anything about the a320 mod? not sure why you brought that up ! i have no issues with it !
you must be confused bud !

Merry Christmas, and take it easy !

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