Difficulty following tow plane

Flight instruction for glider. First lesson. Following tow plane. It starts out ok. Then it’s hard for me to stay centered, but I can handle it. When the tow plane slows down I can’t slow down to stay behind it, and as the glider starts to come up even with the tug, the line disconnects, of course, and I start over, again and again.)

Deploy a little bit of spoilers?

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It turns out it was my lack of skill with tow planes.
I have flown RC gliders for decades. I’ve never done towing, only winch launches and the occasional bungee.
Your suggestion would have worked, in real life. In the simulator in this lesson, raising the spoilers disconnects the tow line and terminates the flight. It even does that if you raise the spoilers while on the ground, before the glider even starts moving!
On the positive side, I now have the spoilers up and down bound to my throttle axis.

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Before the 2020 included gliding functionality I flew the discus and DG808. So when it comes to glider support I noticed about the lessons. I tried them but never was a friend of it. For me they are, how should I say, to theoretical. My opinion better to watch some ‘how to’ videos on YT. And do what you never could do in RL, switch off the weather for your first trying.
In addition to that, my experience is that you could move the spoilers or whatever without disconnecting the tow cable.
To connect the spoilers to a axis lever is very importend to me, mostly not while towing but landing and in special situations. With a lever you could feel the position of the spoilers even when looking in an other direction.
To all of that before every start check all your controls. Also trimm is very important.
Regards an happy gliding. Ralf