Do NOT use passive income - it's completely broken & will ruin you

I have maybe 6 or 7 planes (Cessna’s, 208 and a Vision Jet) that are working on “Crew” mode. For all of them I chose the “medium insurance option”.

The crew made a total of 400K income yesterday and the insurance costs for this is 800K.

Asobo: Good Job! You must have tested this extensively did you?

Hilarious!! Now that you can fix via cloud, why not hiring a 12 year old to do the math for you guys? Or how about this: Just throw dices at this point. Everything is better than what you made up really.

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Here are related bug reports, please vote on them:

Insurance costs do not reset each day but just compound whether you earn or not - Bug Reporting Hub / User Interface & Activities - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Passive income losing money - Bug Reporting Hub / User Interface & Activities - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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