Does testing happen before patch - Catering Trucks

Hopefully, this will be corrected in next major patch.


Hey ACSoft47,

make sure to post this issue in Bugs & Issues.

Maybe adding some text to your issue, could clarify your request. Also, make sure to report your issue to Zendesk. On this way, the DevĀ“s could get their hands on that issue.

Can you imagine the thousand things which could change at every patch ? Maybe you should take a step back and relax a bit.

Thereā€™s plenty of way to say what you said, in a gentlier manner.


For a GAMES Developer, who should be expert in character object interaction and character collision avoidance, MSFS seems to have an excessive amount of object ā€œCollisionsā€ and objects passing through other objects ā€¦ ā€“ something one does not typically see in a High level Game.


Collision detection is expensive on CPU. :wink: These objects need something simple instead. Thatā€™s what we see here. Of course they make mistakes along the way, but these will get fixed.


I also see catering trucks and passenger stairways sliding sideways to line up with the plane doors.

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Also were those Airports TP airports or ones that came with the default game? They canā€™t be held responsible for TP created objects and mods.

In my case the oddities (including trucks running over ground staff :astonished:) occur at some of the default airports)
I also sometimes get air-bridges being connected without be requested.

Looking at the Airport, in this case there could be one less vehicle on the ground. I believe this is Geneva Airport? This is a drive through stand.

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What do you base that on ? Most Objects in MSFS have a wireframe collison mesh, so why is avoiding mesh collisions so CPU expensive, ? Its not as if it itā€™s detect rate has to be that high ā€¦

Iā€™m a game dev, thatā€™s what I base it on. :slight_smile:
The detect rate of a collision mask is every frame. Itā€™s not because it doesnā€™t return a collision that the frame didnā€™t run any code. Yes it will mostly return a ā€˜falseā€™ status, but if you have thousands (more like nearly a million) detect frames your game will run slow, very slow.

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I expect a certain amount of collisions to occur, I donā€™t mind. However, I do think the amount of collisions in msfs are a bit excessive. Hopefully they will work on it at some point.

When a BUS drives right through you when you are on a taxiway, then its time to re-think things.

Also, the Ground Crew need to practice some ā€œSocial Distancingā€ !!! (or get a room)


Thatā€™s what I mean by they donā€™t have collision detection. (and they shouldnā€™t)
They have other ā€˜smartā€™ ways to avoid eachother. Less expensive ways.

Sure these ā€˜dumber than collision detectionā€™ ways are more prone to mistakes, but these will be ironed out.

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This used to occur pre patch too actually. It occurs with GSX on other Sims too, seems to be a rather hard thing to fix for whatever reason.

well, typically, airport traffic have specified routes, and planes have other specified taxi paths ā€¦ they really should not mix so much that they frequently collide.

Also the Taxi paths seem to be AI generated, and often will take a taxing planes on a line that will hit other parked aircraftā€¦ AI need "tweaking ? )

Sloppy Taxiing in real life can get very expensive, very fast, when you ā€œclipā€ an an expensive plane.

Cosmetic issue.


These seem like really, really trivial issues to be whining about.


Sure is ā€“ thanks for joining in and for your valuable input to the discussion ā€¦

This is a DISCUSSION area for the COMMUNITY to share with each other ā€¦ it is NOT a BUG Reporting Topic. so thatā€™s what we are doing ā€“ having a discussion ā€“

If that discussion leads to a need to report a bug, then thatā€™s another Topic in another area, solely for reporting a bug, and not so much for an open discussion ā€¦

Seems straight forward enough ā€¦