Does this look right?

14kt ground level wind coming in from about 090.

The Pacific Ocean looks like a glass parking lot.

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depends on what elevation you are flying at. from the altitude you seem to be at…this is correct. Fly below 1000 feet if you want detail

In calm wind, depending on currents and location, you might see this in real life. I’ve seen close to this on the sitting on the gulf wall at Eglin AFB many years ago. It didn’t last very long when a storm came up! Make sure your Water Wave setting is on Medium or High.

No, it doesn’t. But then quite a few people complained about not being able to see reflections off the water so I’m wondering if Asobo did this on purpose to appease them.

Hopefully it is just a bug.

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OK, Good to know it’s not completely messed up. Is 14kt considered calm wind?

Water waves are set to high

Interesting, in an ocean? Flying coastal I’ve never seen anything like this.

Protected inland lakes and ponds, for sure but the ocean I’ve not seen that flat.

PS: I’m not saying your wrong, just that I’m surprised because I wouldn’t exepect it.

If it’s open ocean, yeah, that’s a bit flat. There should at least be some small breakers near the coastline.

Did you even read his post? He said 14kt winds, you presumed it was calm, he says Pacific ocean, you presume it’s not in the ocean.

If it was in a protected bay, it could look right in a calm day 4 kt or less), but with 14 kt in open ocean, I think it doesn’t.

The fact that it’s an ocean doesn’t count here because I’m pretty sure Asobo/Microsoft don’t differentiate oceans or large seas from any other source of water. I’ve seen rivers with ocean-like waves for instance.
But at some point they will have to implement this difference as it affects not only the waves but also the boats (I’ve seen ocean liners in rivers that were stuck in some rivers). How could they do that quickly and simply ?

Perhaps by calculating the dimensions of bodies of water and deciding that above a threshold (1km for instance) we can have sea-like waves.