Don’t disable out marketplace items

Microsoft, please don’t just disable all Marketplace items for 2024 next week, some of us have majority of our third party airports on the marketplace and you’re taking away our ability to use them for a while, just allow us to disable the content we want to disable instead because this isn’t what we need, I think majority of us want to keep our marketplace items and airports than we own, we have no other way of accessing them in 2024

Thats exactly what they do, but obviously, they need a bit more time to implement that (Week of 9th december).

"As part of the patch planned for the week of Dec 9th, we will add the ability for users to disable/enable content on their own. We will also add a safe boot option to deactivate 3rd party content in case of a crash when booting up the simulator.

Jorg Neumann, Head of Microsoft Flight Simulator"

So now we have two user bases:

  • Peoples that are completely locked out of the sim they paid for
  • Proples not having acess to the AddOns for about 1-2 weeks

I think its understandable, MS is prioritising Group 1 for now.

As a side note:
Just another big reason why i never ever buy from marketplace, its the worst of all the AddOn stores out there.


It’s just frustrating tbh, because there were so many false promises in the weeks before release, like the fact they said we’d be able to download our products rather than stream them or the fact that all marketplace add ons would be compatible when they clearly aren’t since that’s the reason they’re disabling them because they’re causing problems. I understand they need more time to allow this disabling thing but this should’ve been an option on release, same with downloading. I love this sim dearly, but at this point in time, I think it’s frustrating for all of us because this experience is not what we paid for at all. Hopefully they sort this out sooner than later🤷🏻‍♂️ (also, the reason I bought via the marketplace with a lot of add ons was because it used to be cheaper than normal stores, however, I didn’t realise the problems that would come with buying on the marketplace back then, and oh boy do I wish I would’ve thought ahead lol)

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I would like the option to disable what i want to, including the 2020 World Update areas.
As an xbox user i think it would stabilise alot of the issues im having. I fly mostly in the UK or USA and would like to disable the areas i dont fly in.
Im hoping this option comes in the very near future as my experience so far is well below 2020 standard