Don't touch - Neutral slider on sensitivity - can't go back to zero %

If you move the slider to a none zero number for you peripheral you can’t get it back to zero. You are left with the selection of +1% or -1 %.


Probably does not make any real difference, but …

I did have a play with that, as I wasn’t sure what it did, and I’m sure I was able to put that back to 0. If you can’t it should be in a text file on disk, and you could edit that outside the sim.

For example, I was playing around with my rudder pedals, as the new interface let me notice it was not exactly calibrated at centre, so I did that with an external tool, then had a play with the settings there.

My rudder pedal files are located in the following file:


In that file are the following lines for the three axes:

	<Axis AxisName="X" AxisSensitivy="0" AxisSensitivyMinus="0" AxisNeutral="0" AxisDeadZone="0"/>
	<Axis AxisName="Y" AxisSensitivy="0" AxisSensitivyMinus="0" AxisNeutral="0" AxisDeadZone="0"/>
	<Axis AxisName="rZ" AxisSensitivy="-30" AxisSensitivyMinus="-30" AxisNeutral="0" AxisDeadZone="0"/>

The rZ axis, the rudder axis, is still set to “0”.

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