Drawbridges and lift bridges for the ships in the game

do there will drawbridges and lift bridges in the game if there ships whit bells traffic lights gates like in real life


When I suggested this, I got laughed at :upside_down_face: Hopefully you’ll get further than I did because I still think its a great idea and, yes, it’d be cool to see working draw bridges in the sim imo.

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yes im hopefull see workings ones

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where i can suggest that for the game

Since 2024 will have live ship traffic hopefully bridges will work or maybe a way to implement it when the world updates comes out

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You can make feature requests in this forum

Please do a search first… But I didn’t find any for drawbridges when I searched.

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im hopefull if the rio vista bridge in rio vista california gonna be on the game

Guys do you know if the Rio Vista Municipal Airport in rio vista california gonna be on the game

Hey guys Do you know if There Will drivable ships for the Game ans Do is gonna be possible to use phone or marine channel vhf to call or contact drawbridge or lift Bridge operator in the Game if is possible