Drivable ground vehicles?

This may seem a weird request for a flight simulator, but are there any addons for drivable ground vehicles? Sure, from 0 AGL the graphics aren’t perfect or pretty, but does that matter if the entire world is rendered to some accurate degree? Everything with assets and physics is already there to make a drivable ground vehicle possible. It’s just a plane without wings and very durable landing gear. It can accelerate, stop, and steer faster. Some of the control surfaces may need to be exaggerated. Navigating downtown New York is not the same in a Cessna.

Yes, there are a few at flightsim.to. Not sure if they work with SU7 though.

You will find that ground vehicles work on hard surfaces, but will crash when attempting to cross a bridge, overcrossing, or other objects. The only way I’ve found to cross bridges is change to slew mode, move past the object, then resume in normal mode.

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Yes flightsim.to has a Mercedes that works OK.I’ve driven a lot around Australia being my home country with it.I put crash disabled on it and try to swerve around bridges with it.As above bridges will stuff you and then you will have to use slew.In this mode the car will cross water but will be a lot slower than on ground/road surfaces.I have also found that the ground can have what i call tile tair when 2 land tiles are uneven and it is like crashing into a raised section that may be a foot or 3 feet difference and your car may then flip.I just slew it back to flat and off I go again.Probably spent about 200 hrs driving so far.Also driving is not counted in the log book.You must be up in the air for that.Hope this helps you.

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