Driver Timeout

Since the VR-update I frequently run into crahses to desktop: I fly for a certaine tîme and all of a sudden my headset freezes, the app quits and a popup informs me, that a driver-timeout has happend. I have to shut down steamvr and do a restart of the whole comp to get rid of the frozen haedset. This happens in every flight I did since the update and it happens sometimes after 5 minutes, sometimes after 30. I cant see a pattern here. I did a lot of timkering, but to no avail. I do not have that in any other sim use in vr and nsfs ran flawlessely until now for me.

Anybody else with a similar problem? Any hints would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance. Cello

Inte i8700K @ 4.8, Raedon 5750XT, HTC Cosmos

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