Drone Camera Horizon Lock

Please give the option to lock the drone cam level with the horizon. Thanks

After SU6, I have the feeling that the drone camera starts off slighty rolled, compared to before. Wonder if anyone else shares this experience

But it’s always an annoyance when you accidentally hit NUM7 or NUM9, and the only way to get the camera aligned with the horizon again, is to reset it with NUM5. Horizon lock would be a great QoL feature! Has my vote. :+1:

I think it’s just broke. I put in a report just after SU5 (~3 months ago) on this topic. It doesn’t start rolled usually, but over time it will continuously roll to the left (On rare occasions, to the right). It also seems to happen a lot quicker if you are moving the drone camera around.

It definitely needs to be fixed.

I have noticed that as well during. My initial thought was that the drone cameras rotation was unlinked compared to the curvature of the earth. But I have not done further testing with that hypothesis. And to be fair, I don’t think it’s correct. The camera will sometimes end up in an angle greater than 90°, while not having travelled that large of a distance.

Just learned that the spacebar is bound to the “Reset Drone Roll” option in the standard control scheme…
A lot better than resetting the camera Num 5, like I have been doing all this time.
Only thing that bothers me with this option, is that rolling motion of the drone camera carries over some momentum. Resetting roll does not reset the momentum, and thus the camera rotates a little past the 0° mark. But I feel like that should not be too hard to fix.

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Yes this needs fixing for a long time now since the drone camera rotation bug was introduced (SU5/SU6?)

Making drone camera time lapses is pointless now leaving the camera rotated past 90 degrees after a fairly short time…

I hate this issue, everytime I open the drone camera it is rotated at an annoying angle and i have to reset it back to horizontal… They need to fix this.


Funny how this is 2 years old and it still isnt fixed, and its a small bug… Just like the camera bug that blocks controls when panning around.

Hi there,

Just curious, did you write this Wishlist topic because of this bug, or was there something else you were refererring to?

Still unfixed :smiley:

looks like same topic as this one with more votes:

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It’s the same bug. This post was published prior to the one you refer to.

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Please see this logged bug: