Drone Camera used as a ground spectator POV?

Can a drone camera be configured to view a passing aircraft ? I want to be able to see what flying a jet over an airfield or stadium would look like from a spectator’s POV. Not familiar enough w using the drone camera to know if that is possible… THX!


Yes, ist absolutely possible and very funny to fly your airplane like a remotecontroled model.
I can explane it later, I have to work now and I have to look for the englisch labeling in the drone camera options. Absolutly stunning is to have a flyby with a Spitfire-Sound.

Excellent. Look forward to the directions. I was able to poke around on a video explaining the cameras. It may have something to do with disabling the ‘follow’ button on a drone, thus leaving the drone in a fixed position when the plane takes off. This would be very helpful in watching your landings from the spectator position also to see how they look. I wonder if you can record video from a drone. That would allow you to fly your aircraft by the (cockpit view) and review the video from the drone later for comparison…

Go to 30:51 to see how cool it is. Obviously you’ll need a replay tool in order to accomplish it.

This works with SkyDolly

What is the name of the software?

Or FlightControlReplay


These are my settings for drone camera and spectator view. Set Zoom about 90% so you don’t lose view to your aircraft.
You can fly in cockpit view to the place you want to have your spectator POV and pause your flight in exactly this moment. Set your cameraview to the settings above. Resume your pause.
Also you can manipulate your drone position as usual.

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Sky Dolly or Flight recorder. Personally I prefer Sky Dolly. Both can be found on flightsim.to

Done with SkyDolly and DroneCamera:

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Now the absolutely same flight, flown in cockpit view, recorded with SkyDolly and replay with changes in:
Position of the spectator…
There are a lot of funny options.

When your in ‘spectator view’ if I can call it that hpw are ypu controlling the plane?

Press “C” on your keyboard to toggle control of your aircraft/drone camera.

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You fly your plane then like a radio controled model airplane. Very interesting for learning
how to fly a rc helicopter model!

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You don’t need to control it. It’s in replay mode.

So there’s no way to record an event in the actual program, correct? I would need to buy SKY DOLLY or FLIGHT RECORDER from flightim.to? Just making sure there was not an add-on recorder in the MARKETPLACE that I missed…

Sky Dolly and Flight Recorder are both free.

At the moment there’s no way to record natively in the sim. However I believe Sim Update 7 later this month is giving us a built in replay tool.

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Dumb question- I downloaded SKY DOLLY. Setup a flight , then hit the record button. It recorded something. What? There are no usage instructions and no you tube tutorials. When you hit REPLAY, it replays something somewhere. How do you see a recorded flight?? Lost on this one.

It will replay within the sim, you need to stay within the flight after you finish recording.