I am selecting a departure from Gate A7 at the default LSZH airport. When I select LSZH from the World Map and the system zooms in to LSZH Gate A7 and numerous others have duplicate Gate nodes to select. This is fine and works OK but it stops GSX from activating the Airbridge and Pax are not displayed. I know this is what is stopping GSX as when I select Gate A49 from the single node GSX works as intended. Could someone else confirm whether or not they have duplicate nodes for A7 and others?
So here is what I recommend. Download Airport Design Editor for MSFS 20.
“file/create a project from stock”.
This airport is a true mess. It’s got 448 aprons, the max is 254. A majority of the parking spots overlap, so they will never be properly populated by AI. Gate A7, and many other, have jetways placed with an incorrect distance, so they won’t work.
It’s got apron vertex points which are “twisted”, meaning one or more vertex coordinates overlap and can cause texture issues.
Runway 10 has a taxi point that is “off the end of the runway”.
Runway 32 has a taxi point that is off the end of the runway.
It has three broken vehicle paths.
Most of this wouldn’t be too difficult to fix, if this happens to be your home airport.
Forgot to mention that MSFS parking spots are oversized compared to real life. In MSFS they are sized to accommodate the aircraft AND the ground service vehicles. So when someone designs an airport with close gates such as Zurich, they cannot properly replicate the parking spots
Thanks for your comments. I’ll have a crack at fixing it up but don’t hold out too much hope. The strange thing is that it worked until before the last update. I haven’t done much in MSFS for the last several weeks (since SU12) due to life getting in the way so I’ve only just noticed the issues.