[Early Access] Hadrian's Wall 180AD

And I have not been to Tarragona but it is on a list. It would be a great city scale project. I went to Barcelona earlier this year and I have some plans for reconstructing to the Roman city there as well.


Hi there! Any news about the project?

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Hi @Aeroversa - thanks for bearing with us!

We were saying just today that we were overdue an update, so here goes…

  • we are on the home straight for a v1 release via the Marketplace before the end of the year
  • we are planning a point release for the new year with custom Roman “night lighting”
  • v2 will ship next spring but now with a complete port at Arbeia at the mouth of the River Tyne as well as the villages outside the forts and earthworks
  • and as planned, v3 will add the town of Corbridge
  • we have had access to the dev alpha for 2024 and are working on a roadmap towards an upgrade for '24 once it has settled down
  • we are excited about the potential of '24’s first person view to allow you to walk along and around Hadrian’s Wall

Beyond the release, we have had an increasing amount of interest in HW180 and our approach to using the sim as a platform for reconstructing the the past.

Right now we are exploring projects ranging from Bronze Age Syria to Iron Age Somerset, medieval Bristol and Victorian Gosport.

So, lots moving here and we will have some new Hadrian’s Wall screenshots for you later in the week.

Thanks as ever to everyone for your continued interest in the project.


I hope for your team that this interet leads to extra funding and other support.


Thanks, that is what we are hoping for, alongside developing products for the community.

What has emerged over the summer is a twin track approach of “virtual heritage tourism” for flight simmers and “simulation as a service” for museums and heritage organisations, educators and academics.

And thanks again for your comments back in July, which helped crystallise this approach.



I am so thrilled to see what you and your team are doing that I am happy to be of any help at all.

Did you see the FS2020 Forum post MS-Asobo targetting FS2024 at three user groups: (1) Corse Simmers, (2) Core Gamers, and (3) Digital Tourists. See: Tourist mode - #4

Seeing a major sales opportunity among “Digital Tourists” helps explain why they are making a big deal about FS2024’s “walkaround” feature and its high resolution built and natural environments.

It may help your sale pitch to prospective funders to point that out.

The fact that other academic institutions and historical societies have invested historical extensions to games may also be helpful.

You have probably seen recent articles about history-focussed extensions to Assassin’s Creed.

But here is a link to a 2007 article about Historica Canada’s (https://www.historicacanada.ca) extentsion of Civiliazations III: Canadian historians mod Civilization III to teach Canadian history - Ars Technica



I am finalising an article about the project and our approach for the UK academic journal “Rethinking History” and have taken the liberty of quoting some of your post as an illustration of the wider potential of the sim.

The context for the article is a conference to which I presented a paper in June which was looking at the different ways in which games, including Assassin’s Creed, have been used to present the past.

Thanks for the links, that is also really useful reference material.

I am also working with a museum that has used content from AC Valkyrie as the basis for a display about Anglo Saxon Winchester.

And yes, I have been following Microsoft’s segmentation of the flight sim community since as you say it seems to bear out my hunch that there is scope for the kind of content we are developing, especially when combined with the features in 24.

As well as the walkaround feature, I am hoping that we might be able to use some of the interaction features in buildings.

For this reason, we have already decided that our future projects will be developed for 2024.


@PipsPriller I would love to read your conference paper and article.

It is exciting that searching Rethinking History for “using games to teach history” returned 297 results, and great that it is an open/free journal.


@MeusMagister As soon as the article is finalised, I would be delighted to post a link here for anyone that would like to read it.


The worlds first multiplayer flight along Hadrian’s Wall 180! We’re quickly approaching the finish line and we’ll have plenty more to share soon!


And a quick fun fact from today.

We estimate that we have now edited over 5000 individual locations along 78 miles of the Wall to remove trees, roads, railways and buildings, install the Wall, and then blend the the new terrain into the default.

Below is the western half from Bowness on Solway for Housesteads. The Milecastles and forts are marked by blue squares and the exclusion polys in red.


Any ideas on possible launch date?

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Well, I hesitate to be specific, but how about “very soon”, assuming no last minute problems…


In the meantime you can settle for this:


Very nice - it is good to be reminded of what everything looked like before we started working on it!


@PipsPriller Phenomenal work and a Herculean task. Many thanks to you and the Time Machine Design team!


Since the “97% loading problem” has stopped me trying out 2024 today, here is a preview of the HW180 manual that I have been writing instead.

Too much, too little or just enough information?


Documentation! With both information about flying around it and historical info and info on how you made the reconstruction?! THIS IS GREAT :smiley:


Thanks! I will keep going then! :blush:

(Just remembered the bridges…)


I second @Vibstronium’s post ^^above^^ :+1:
Keep up the good work!