Earth FX V2 - By Bijan - Active Volcanoes, Animated Waterfalls, Scenic Attractions


On the one hand, easily observable animals in realistic density that don’t try to escape the engine noise even when coming very close are nice for spotters, on the other hand, they are not very realistic.
I tried some of the wildlife themes in the World Photographer category and yes, they are challenging. First, you have to spot them (they are too sparse, that’s for sure), and then you have very little time to take a photo until the flee from you. So, those stars have to be earned.


Exactly why I thought of adding this as it’s very challenging to do it in world photographer and it’s no easy to find them.

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It’s a nice idea but it would be more immersive if Crocs and their prey weren’t having a casual chat around a waterhole.
I see what you are trying to do but perhaps have bit more separation?
Also it would be nice to have them react to engine noise if possible.
Now that you have made them more plentiful and with tags they should still be easy to find and them reacting and scattering would be a lot more immersive if that is possible.


If you choose an appropriate aircraft, you could always land a ways away & walk up to take the photo - though perhaps with the crocs you might consider using a telephoto lens! :crocodile: :smiley:


VRSimguy posted a video on his Utube channel showing exactly that just after 2024 was released. It was a gorgeous horse he walked right up to. Magic!

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Thanks for the feedback.
Crocs often wait hours patiently to catch a prey within few feet only. Same with many other predators. :wink:

My goal is to get close to animals and enjoy them chilling where they are without scaring them That’s why there is no reaction to engine noise. That feature is already part of the default which I am avoiding.

The default animals often have odd movements and keep appear and disappear and often placed in places where thy don’t belong, such as these cows by Washington Monument:

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I haven’t see that but yes, it’s wonderful to be able to do that. Thanks for your comment.

Yes I have seen more of that janky animation recently. First few weeks they seemed to work better. Now they are mainly just looping an animation and jumping back to the start point every second or just running on the spot. Another bug!

I’m sure the first few times I seen them they were actually moving and not “obviously” resetting position.

So many bugs. Every single feature has problems.

Off topic: but even the “Back On Track” if you have damage on. I tried that and actually it is way better than instant “death” needing a full flight restart but I’ve had it just give me a black screen, with engine sound but only a white spinning circle and mouse pointer. The only thing I could do is End Process so that now requires a full SIM RESTART. They even found a way to make that a worse UX.


Yes I understand that but is among the weeds and with their nostrils just above water, they aren’t lined up like customers at an all you can eat buffet in full view of their prey.
Nothing wrong with the narrative you are painting and I do appreciate you imagination in these projects, I just think in this case it is somewhat overdone.

And yes I also understand you intentions with wanting the animals easily viewable up close and perhaps people do want this, but personally I think having them mapped and more ubiquitous is enough and then leave it up to the player to land and approach on foot which seems like more immersive and fun to me.
Maybe they prefer the way you are doing it, I really don’t know.

Yes animal behaviour seems inherently like traffic behaviour and just as bugged, only with zany pathing instead of roads.
Given the rest of the sim is full of lazy programming and mostly ripped from 2020 it wouldn’t surprise me if this is actually the case.

That is why I have long asked for a way to edit traffic behaviour in the SDK but to no avail, we still have the same bugged Alpha mess of 2020 and no way to improve it.

You do great work with the limited accessibility we have.


Animals in Canada:

Wolves in Yellowstone National Park:


Hi guys, I am looking for a solution to this.
I have purchased today Earth FX for MSFS 2024. I have followed all installation steps carefully, as usual. Now Volcanoes, for example, do come up on Free Flight and as POIs, but nothing comes out of them. No lava, no smoke, nothing. Just the usual texture I had before adding this addon to my Community folder. What am I doing wrong?
I am using Bijan_EarthFX_V2.2_2024.exe
Vendor upload date: 2025-01-10 20:18:09
This has never happened before to any mod previously installed by me. I don’t have any other Bijan or REX product installed.
Bijan Volcanoes and Falls appear in both the Free Flight searchbox and as POIs as you fly around them, as you can see in the attached images.

I fly on VR, basically high to ultra settings, and even in 2D i have medium settings.
Thanks in advance!

I sent you a PM.

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is the animal addon allready available?

Not yet, I was waiting for a reply from Asobo regarding elephants, as they are not animated. All other ones are animated.

I will have this added by end of this week.

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New animated waterfall is added to the collection which will be released on next Earth FX update.
Cirque de Gavarnie waterfall in France:


Crocs in Florida swamps:

Polar bears:



Now you’re just missing the crocs in peoples yards and on golf courses. Lol.


Li River, China:

Version 2.3 will be released this weekend.

Actual photo: