EDLP Paderborn airport asking for MSFS version 1.10.11

Hello, I have this airport from Aerosoft that is asking for a newer version of the sim, but the version it’s asking is lower than the one installed. I have 1.11.70 but the airport is asking for version 1.10.11.

Just go and install it!

From where? The windows store doesn’t have an update for the sim and there is no way to install the airport update from the content manager because an older version of the sim is needed.

It’s common to see package updates pending newer sim versions. As long as you have it and it’s working, just go with it. After the next update, check back in your Content Manager, and you should either see it updated, or have the ability to update it yourself.


For whatever reason, the latest update must have broken this airport. You cannot rollback updates. It is going to be up to the software vendor to update their airport so that it is compatible with the latest version of MSFS.

Since it Aerosoft, you probably won’t have to wait very long.

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Thanks for the answers!

I don’t know whether you got the airport directly from Aerosoft or from the MSFS Marketplace, but as it’s an Aerosoft product, have you tried with the Aerosoft Updater?
The EDLP current version is 1.03