Eliminating C drive from install

I read the install guide but still have a question. I installed MSFS on my SSD drive, but the Microsoft store still downloads updates to my C drive.

If I reinstall the game, and change the Storage option under settings to the SSD drive, will everything be on the SSD drive or will components still show up on C: ??

Root_game_folder is on SSD?

For example, this is my root game folder on SSD.

I see 2 installs. One on my c drive where I have to place my community add-ons:

And one on my SSD: D:\msfs\Official\OneStore

Both folders have about 100GB of data.

This is a Microsoft Store install.

Edited to add: The SSD install does have a community folder but mods copied to this folder do not work; i.e. all mods need to go into the community folder of the C drive

Microsoft store install here as well… I believe the AppData will still end up on your system drive, at least it did in my case. To get around this, I did the following:

1 - Moved the contents of ‘C:\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe’ to another drive.


2 - Added the same folder structure back to ‘C:\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe’ as directory junctions which point to the location I copied the files to on the larger drive.

To Windows/MSFS, it will appear as if the files reside on your system drive… but the files will end up on your larger drive.

Docs on Junctions https://mywindowshub.com/how-to-create-and-delete-a-junction-link-on-windows-10/

You may not be able to access the '‘C:\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe’ folder initially… If you get any permission/security errors, you will need to take ownership of the folder itself - right click on the folder, select ‘Properties’, go to the ‘Security’ tab and click ‘Advanced’. In the displayed window, click ‘Change’ beside the current owner’s username.

In the window that pops up, enter your username into the box labeled ‘Enter the object name to select’, then click ‘Check Names’. At this point the name should be underlined and prefixed with your computer’s name. If not, check that you typed the username correctly.

Finally, make sure the ‘Replace all child object permissions’ checkbox is selected, then hit OK.

Have had mine set up like this for a few months and have not experienced any issues.

I’m wondering if I used the default directory one time when I installed an update, and I ended up with 2 installs on my computer. I’m reinstalling and I’ll post how I fare.

tee3067: Thanks for the info. If I end up with competing directories again, will follow your lead.

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Just posting to add that I reinstalled everything and now have my community folders on my SSD. No duplicates.

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Glad to hear it worked out, if only it had been that easy in my case!