Elk and Bison?

Elk and Bison? MS missed the boat on these animals in FSX and now again in FS2020. Elk and Bison are iconic animals in North America just as Elephants, Giraffes are to Africa. People from all over the world travel to North America’s National Parks to view these majestic animals yet there are none to be found in the simulator. Why is that? Am I the only on who sees this as odd? Please include these in an update.


I’d like to see more types of animals throughout the sim. Packs of wolves, herds of wildebeest, zebras, wild horses, yaks, the occasional tiger, polar bear, etc. There’s not enough life in the wild places of the sim.

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Then maybe the question is, if 3PDs spent the time to make these animated animals (no small task), do you really want them that much to buy them as payware ?

And if so, for how much per animal ?

Or if you REALLY want them, learn to make them yourself, and then share them with the community :grin:

If wildlife interests you, feel free to view all Wishlist topics tagged #fauna. There are various topics, including one general “more wildlife” topic.

If you don’t see an animal type you want, feel free to create your own Wishlist topic (one animal per topic, please). Please tag it #living-world and #fauna like this one so that they’re searchable by tag.

Usually, animals have been made by third parties and the rights to use them purchased - it’s cheaper and faster that way. No one is wasting time making all-new animated animals when there are literally thousands of them already available.

And yes, I would buy them. No one is forcing you to. This is a request thread. If you don’t want what’s requested, you can simply not vote for it. There is no excuse for rudeness.

I did a search before posting here, and I just did a search now. No such topic comes up. There’s stuff about birds, comments about animals on runways, but I see no “more wildlife” topic. Can you post a link to the topic?

Sure, it’s this one here:

I never said I did not want them. ! (far from it - I voted)
All in no way was I Rude . :scream:

All I pointed out was that this was not probably something that Asobo would have time or resources to do, (they have many other things to do, that only they can do) and that it was far more likely to be covered by 3PDs… (which you agreed with).

Maybe the MODs can clarify .

Is this Wish List for

  1. Wishes for items that wishers want Asobo to do ?
  2. Wishes for items that wisher want 3PDs to do ?
  3. Wishes for both - with or without specifying who should do it

Wolves would be great actually and some more animals. I would pay some 15 euro for more wildlife (if it contains i.e. 5 animals)