🛩ī¸ EP49 Adventure Through The Skies - Crossing of the Alps

Today, we discover the Alps through Northern Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and Germany.
Make sure to have downloaded World Update 6 and verified your content manager for updates before, to be ready to join us for this flight! Bring in on the discussion with your opinion, questions and thoughts!

Flight plan: Ep_49_-_Stuttgart_by_way_of_the_Alps.pln - Google Drive
We will take off at LINB - Aviosuperficie Kong

Multiplayer Info:
Server: East USA
All Players
Traffic: At your Discretion
Weather & Time: At your Discretion
Aircraft: Xcub or similar, cruising at ~110Kts (+/- 10kts).

Flight Time Scheduled to 2021-09-09T23:00:00Z → 2021-09-10T01:00:00Z

See you there!

MSFS Discord: https://discord.gg/msfs
Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/flyingcookie6508

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Little sneak peek of our flight:

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