Error code 308-400-00207 happens at midnight local time in career

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• Yes

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• Same here, happened at 00:04 after a 2hr flight… Not the first time

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This has been an issue that I reported for a long time but was ignored.

That would be easy if one have free time enough. I usually can fly at 9pm so if I do medium cargo I will be flying past midnight and I think there are lot of people having not much time to play.

There can be plenty of workarounds for sure, but the fact is that this problem must be fixed as soon as possible.

I have not had many bugs, I can enjoy the sim since I bought it even if there is a lot to improve yet and I am actually enjoying it, but in my opinion this is something to be fixed before many other things because not everyone can start a flight whenever he or she wants.

Just happened to me at :13 past midnight local.


This bug is not even in the last dev update while it’s concerning 100% of evening players, what a shame, hope will be solved in SU1, really, since I know it i stopped starting missions after 10pm what a shame…

It’s no where near the top reported, that’s probably why.

Yeah I know but that’s a big one !

Just happened to me at 00:08 local.

FINALLY FIXED on SU_01 beta!

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Good to know! Thanks for taking the test for us. I wasn’t going to lol

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• • Happened to me at 00:12 PST local time.

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This just happened to me unfortunatly. I have never had this specific error code, or ANY Error Code for that matter.

Are you running the SU_01 beta update? I started 2 flights from 11PM to 1AM on 2 different days and this problem is fixed for me.

Same here. The SU1 Beta seems to have fixed the midnight local time bug for me as well. Two flights so far and no error.

what the… nightmare in mid night

Yep, me too in Australia. 1205am. Twice now.


Description of the issue:

When participating in a career mode mission, the mission will quit with an error like “an unexpected error occured and you can not continue this mission. You will be redirected to the last place you were”. This has happened mid-flight, during taxi, parked. It seems to happen just after midnight.

On the last occasion my pilot is left at the airport where I started the the mission that quit. My aircraft has moved back to the last place it landed.

Following this the mission I was flying still shows on the missions map but I cannot select it. Most other missions seem to be unresponsive/unavaialbe too. Exiting the mission map and coming back 10 mins later seems to have repopulated with nes missions - the previous mission I was flying is still there but I can’t select it.

Seems to be at least some missions are reset/cycled at 00:00 and if you happen to be on one, it just bugs out.

[PC Only] Yes


Happened three times so far, different day, all about the same time (somewhere spanning 00:00).


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Start a mission at 23:45 (VIP Charter for example)
  2. Wait until after 00:00
  3. Pray


What peripherals are you using, if relevant:


[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

RTX2060 but this is N/A

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?

None, it’s not the PC.


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.


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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• It has happened twice now if I am mid flight after midnight local time

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• I have now seen this twice both times just after midnight and in both cases when it returns me to the hanger as that was the last place I was, I am greeted by the passive income screen so as someone else has suggested I believe it is linked to this.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video: