Have you used Developer Mode?
PC Specs:
Ryzen 5, RX580, 16GB System RAM
Area of the World / Flight Plan:
Airport (If applicable):
3rd party addons you were using at the time (Mods/add-ons/community content)
WT G1000 NXi
Logitech Throttle Quadrant, XBox Controller, TM TCA Side stick, Velocity Trim Wheel.
Feedback/Bug Description:
It appears the ESC / Set Pause Bug is back. When flying the SR-22, hitting either ESC for Menu or Set Pause to remain in-cockpit has the same result. Upon hitting Set Pause OFF, all movement and time cumulative to when the player paused the sim catches up, the aircraft pitches up uncontrollably, no peripheral control is available, and the aircraft stalls, spins downward until it ground collides. This is very much reproducible. I have not been able to recreate it with any other GOTY, Deluxe or Premium aircraft.
While cumulative effects may occur when using ESC, since this is effectively Active Pause, Set Pause ON normally respects aircraft freeze of movement, velocity, altitude and speed, as proven in previous SU code bases. So there’s something much deeper in the code not respecting the Pause choice.
[ ] Multiplayer session or [ ] solo flight
Multiplayer settings: [ ] Live Players [ ] All Players [ ] Group Only
Weather settings:
Server: [ ] East USA [ ] North Europe [ ] West USA [ ] West Europe [ ] SE Asia
US East
(PC) Are you using DX12?
: No