Everything looks polygons - World Update II: USA

Im doing the tour World Update II: USA And flying over new york everything is seen in polygons, from 12.000 FT

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especially the forest

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Check your settings. How do people even take off in this game…

I’m having the similer issue. Flying over Chicago. Fast internet, settings tweaked: tested high, low, ultra, bing data on, cache on/off and unlimited bandwith on. Still stays the same.

This shot was taken after flying around the area for at least 5 mins

All settings checked, it’s not a setting issue for me it seems. Fresh install of msfs ( settings reset to default and then tweaked. No change. Didn’t have this issue before on my previous install, i used to feel bad for those that used to post images of blurry buildings, now it’s happening to me :confused:

Also on a side note: @VBHBAU if it was just a settings issue then why would people have to download Netlimiter 4 to throttle downloads to be able to install the sim. Basics - so saying “How do people even take off in this game” is just a random thought process.

In the beginning of my first flight after US Update, city buildings looked as ugly as yours. However after I flew closer images looked normal and I never noticed same issue again.

I would suggest you delete all your rolling caches and try again. You may also want to turn off, save, and then turn back on, save some data settings, just to make sure what you see is what you get.


I have tried nearly all solutions i can think of. Although turning data on/off back on and save i have yet to try. ll’l give that a go - thanks @UncleanerLeaf4

Update: Tried turning data on and off, save-restart, rolling cache on and off, bing data on/off, activated Teredo networking protocol, manual cache on/off, reinstalled drivers, tweaked nvidia control panel - nothing has helped.

i have done all , and still trees and houses looking in polygon shapes, turning data on/off back on and save do nothing.

High-Ultra setting
32 GB
I7-9900 K
Last Nvidea driver


Please submit issue to Zendesk - https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360001769531-Microsoft-Flight-Simulator

The more people point out the issues the better.


well i submitted a ticket regarding the photogrammetry, for some reason the submitted ticket was sovled without any answer> :confused:

Wow! You just experienced the same as I did weeks ago!

It’s a shame that they just labeled unsolved tickets as “solved” without giving any reason or additional detail. Worst customer support practice you can ever imagine.

Yeah, I agree, it would be nice if the person going through the tickets just wrote a little blurb about what they found.
“couldn’t replicate”, “Duplicate” (althought I would hope they track how many duplicates they get), “replicated, sent to development”, stuff like that.

It’s quite frustrating to submit so many bugs, knowing that that “Solved” result means absolutely nothing.

I have the same problem and before last puédate it was all fine. Os not problem Of connection i have 300mb/sec and all configurated in médium thai normally i use high and ultra…

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