So I’ve found 4 or 5 “medium” VIP jobs and what I just noticed is they all go to the same destination. The destination has an RNAV approach, although it doesn’t line you up with the runway.
Pretty weird.
If you have a CJ4, these are the only jobs I’ve found in the US that let you fly it.
The destination has an RNAV approach, although it doesn’t line you up with the runway.
They’re called RNAV circling approaches. They bring you in to a safe area to fly a traffic pattern to land. If you look at the approach, it’s called RNAV A – circling approaches start at A and go forward in the alphabet and you just see circling minimums at the bottom of the chart. They were probably based on the VOR approaches that used to exist.
When you see a runway with like RNAV Z and RNAV Y on the same runway (letters starting at the end of the alphabet), they may both guide you straight in to the runway but would require different equipment in the aircraft, have different minimums, different missed procedures, and/or maybe one is better suited for single engine pistons and one for jets.
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