Expanded In-Game Training

I’m a novice at flying and all the rest of it and I felt that the tutorial was too short and lacking. Would be great if the in-game tutorial could get expanded for newbies to learn more about the different aircrafts/systems/navigation etc for flying, or at least a text guide, like something in MSFX (but updated).



Absolutely really enjoying this game/simulator. Couldnt of come at a better time especially during the pandemic. Thnk you so much for all your hardwork .- its a god send. I have one request - Ive completed all of your training missions but would love some more. Im not a pilot but there has to me way more to flying. I would certainly pay for this.


I definitely agree with you my friend. As a pilot I enjoy a lot learning with the flight training implemented in the sim, it even helps to improve and polish your skills even further. You learn like in a real flying experience or even better with the blue highlighting feature and the simplified explanations from the instructor. I could pay what ever they want, even 100 dollars, for a training season dedicated to IFR training with communications included because is really useful.

A lot of that in-game would make great. But until then, YouTube can be your friend! There are tons of videos on using the VOR, using radios, general flight training,etc. you can glean a lot of information, most of which is transferable to the sim.

yeah GripperSim does a great job but they need way more training missions. Its a great game tho. Its blowing the head off me.

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Flight Simulator 95 had better training. It went in depth about mixture, IFR flight, etc…

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yes, the training in this game is doable, but it would nice to perhaps add an advanced training mode for those wanting to learn more.

I pre-ordered FS 2020 and just couldn’t wait for a month for it to be available. Meanwhile FSX was just ~ $20 on Steam, bought it and started going through the tutorials on FSX. I was very impressed by the training options they had on FSX, almost closer to what you get from ground school for PPL. I didn’t complete all of them though and started with the training in FS 2020 and it’s lacking a lot.

Are there any marketplace add-ons or updates from Asobo to bridge this huge gap for newbie simmers?

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Hello. First aid is hopefully my topic here in the forum " Cessna 152 most easy landing". Beyond that I would look up Youtube for real pilot real Cessna 152, 172 advice.

Yup, YouTube has lot of good stuff, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbphwhPw2JuvwwsD-H3xoxmb4PUbCyZen

I followed these tutorials and they are good, but I really like the in flight training in FSX by Rob. It has more in-depth training and accompanying missions.

There is an MIT playlist of their PPL ground school which is great too, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUl4u3cNGP63cUdAG3v311Vl72ozOiK25

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I agree, an expanded Flight School is my top wishlist item (after some bug fixes, autopilot fixes, taxiway accuracy…). I know a lot of people poo-poo that because of course the community has so much content here and on YouTube and so forth. But in my view that works best when you’re looking up something specific, or are trying to drill down into using a particular aircraft. What are some tips and tricks for adjusting the mixture for best efficiency, that sort of thing. But for newbies that kind of learning can’t replace a consistent, directed program to cover the essentials.

And perhaps even more importantly, the flight lessons in earlier versions basically functioned as the game’s “campaign mode,” which gave direction to the experience. Goals and tests and fake certificates (today there would be achievements) give new players something to strive for and a sense of accomplishment after the initial thrill of sightseeing then stalling out and crashing in a field has faded.

I’ve been dabbling with MS Flight Simulators since v4 back in the stone age, but I quickly lost interest each time, until FS2004 when I dove into Rod Machado’s included flight school. There I learned many things I didn’t know I didn’t know, which in turn opened up more ways to enjoy the sim on my own time, which in turn led me to more things I wanted to know. And today I’m experienced enough to complain about lacking G1000 functions and ATC completely ignoring my flight plan altitudes, which is to say I still have tons to learn but I know enough about what I need to learn to take best advantage of community resources/YouTube. I never would have gotten this far with only the basic tutorials included in FS2020.


Just a quick addendum to point out that the best in-game learning resource FS2020 currently has is the checklists. If you’re new, make sure the checklist is open and go down every step. That will get you quickly acquainted with that particular aircraft, and it won’t be long before you’re thinking, “why am I doing this?” “what the heck does this switch even do?” and that will give you some starting points to begin learning online.


Yeah, the checklist is one of my favorite things , that by proxy learned me what the mixture or carborator lever actually does (and why they’re important :P), by checking Youtube. But even those seem a bit incomplete or vary videly between the different airplanes. I think for example the Diamond DA62 had like 10+ columns of checklist options; from cold starting the engine to landing procedures and shut-off, while the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental had maybe 3 or 5 columns (can’t remember). Seems off…

But it’s like you said, a good guide will always teach you “things you didn’t know that you didn’t know”, which would definitely improve the community further.

I agree. IFR training would be great and at least ATC/comms procedures mandatory before taking part in multiplayer sessions.

It seems the goal of what they have is to just get flying and only minor actual training. Kind of a glorified discovery flight.

I definitely agree that there should be more flight training missions. I believe a lot of newcomers will quickly give up on the sim all together as all they know is how to do basic flying in a Cessna 152. There’re no missions regarding ATC, airport operations and the meanings of markings and signs used at airports, flaps(!), flight avionics and how to grasp cockpits and electronic instrumentation of more advanced aircraft, night flying, and so forth. I understand a lot of people will turn to Youtube for guidance but I really believe that there’s a much higher chance for players to stay (and buy stuff from your marketplace Microsoft hint hint) if more training missions were introduced.


Yeah, ones the initial thrill of flying a jetliner at max speed below 100 ft, and buzzing over your house for the 50th time wears off, there’s not much to hype you up for more complex stuff. I’ve e.g. started poking at IFR flying, starting with ADF/NDB navigation and it was a pain to understand it properly only through Youtube/Google. I often had to cross-reference videos and texts to each other for it to make sense to me. Hopefully they can find the time to get a good guide going once the major issues are ironed out :slight_smile:

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I don’t know if you remember the training in Century of Flight, it was Incredible, going right up to passenger jet flying - I’d love to be able to import those into fs2020

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thanks but more new activities…challenges etc and he wanted to expand it a bit and improve training for more aircraft tips