Explanation of the color coded numbers to the right on forum posts

The header says it all. Have been using the forum from day one, but still cannot make out the logic. Feel slightly dumb, though.
Any insight!?

I believe it’s to show the popularity of the posts at the time

Hi @KeepingCoder267,
I’m assuming what I have circled in red?

If so, Replies, Views and time last Activity was. There is a header at the top. Clicking on “Views” would resort the list by most or least views.

The bold orange color on “Replies” means it has an “extremely high like to post ratio”

The orange (non-bold) color on “Replies” means it has a “high like to post ratio”.

You can put your mouse over those numbers and a tootip comes up.

Thank you!!!

I only ever read the forum on my phone so that’s why I haven’t spotted this.

Will have a look on my PC later.


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