Extreme wind speed over 1500 knots on landing

Was just landing in Tuson, AZ and the Tower said wind speed was something over 1500. Once I hit the surface layer I could not even get the plane near the runway due to this insane crosswind (was flying the Flybywire A320). I had this happen in Aspen the other day. Some type of bug I guess, anyone having similar experiences?

If the windspeed was actually 1500 knots, Tucson would no longer be there. Or any remaining part of Arizona above the bedrock. And you wouldn’t be ‘landing in a crosswind’, you’d be flying backwards, while disintegrating in turbulence.

If the tower reported 1500 kt, it was clearly a bug. As for the modelled crosswind, was this MSFS live weather, or something else? Again, either could be a bug, but its hard to say anything more without further details.


yeah - I had to go to Tucson on business a few years ago. I think the wind speed was about 1500kts that day too, and the midday temperature was enough to melt lead

Seems to have been some very odd data passed into the weather engine over the last few days.


That speed is higher than the fastest speed a place moves on Earth at the equator which is 870 knots. As others have said the plane would be turned into dust and so would you, the soil would be shaved off the land and blasted into the atmosphere, it would be apocalyptic! I dont think MSFS can model this :grinning:

I was landing in Tuscon about an hour ago on approach to rwy 11L. I was shooting the ILS in pretty bad weather, had the runway in sight but it was obscured by a cloud. As soon as I got into the clouds (about 3000’) I was pushed sideways and lost control then crashed
felt like I was flying in a hurricane. The tower reported wind at 14kts in my clearance to land.
One thing I noticed was that I could not get an updated metar report for KTUS while I was enroute. I kept checking on my iPad for weather conditions and it kept saying “No metar found for KTUS” . I wonder if the sim injected some random weather since it couldn’t pull up the actual metar???

1500 kts is 1725 mph, or about 2600 kmh. I think you may be just a tad off in your numbers here. The most powerful winds in the solar system are on Jupiter and they’re about 900 mph.

15kts @ 00 degrees?

METAR for KDMA Tucson right now (242158Z) is wind calm, though it is a little more blowy not far off, according to Windy.com. Looking at the broader picture, there are clearly storms over the Mexican border, and off to the East, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see high winds at times, possibly quite unpredictably. No METAR for KTUS, but the meteogram on Windy is indicating a 3 kt wind - gusting to 17 kts. If I was a real-world pilot, and landing an A320 anywhere in the area, windshear would probably be worth thinking about.

I wish we had the option to disable wind and use live weather, like active sky.

That’d be 00015 (METAR) or “0 at 15” (360 at 15?) wouldn’t it?

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