F27 developer?

When I look at a BMI livery I don’t think ‘old school’, feels quite recent. :wink: A sure sign I’m getting auld lol. :rofl: I remember it well. Before budget airlnes arrived there was only BA or BMI to get you to London from Glasgow.

I need Ariana2022AirUK

My livery files all start with my initials: JK

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:rofl::rofl: exactly mate, same with my profile pic of our kiwi version of Air tours or Thompson…
Mount cook airlines…
Its crazy to think its coming up to 29 years this month when their last hs748s were retired and with it, an end of a proud era going back to 1960 with dc3s… well it actually kept going as a subsidiary of air nz till 2019 but the actual stand alone airline with its iconic lily tail ended this time 29 years ago…
I was 8 year old and wow I feel old :rofl::rofl:

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Well… there is a air uk livery but not a Ariana one :rofl::rofl: btw, is that your fav singer?
I do kinda feel weird replying to you sometimes as all it would take is my partner to glance over right now and see I’m replying to that profile pic and I’d be having to answer hard and fast rapid fire questions and those questions would certainly not be F27 related :sweat_smile: :smile: :rofl:

Sorry! :flushed: is that better?

My real name is Ariana……F27 + Ariana= perfect combo

And you need to let me know if this Air UK livery will work with 2024 as I still haven’t fully convinced myself to re-download 2020 yet

Omg i was just joking :sweat_smile: :rofl::rofl: you can change it back to your other pic…
That absolutely makes sense :rofl::rofl:
But that is an absolute stunning photo…
Absolutely love that livery… not sure if its that fresh blue or kinda reminds me of the air nz blue and turquoise stripe livery of the 80s/90s…

I wish I new if that livery works in 24…

I do need to get 24… you enjoying it?

I have a slightly more lower end PC so I actually benefit from the streaming in of 2024 as I’m able to run higher settings than I was in 2020, add the light effects, missions, in built EFB, all the PD aircraft, quicker download and loading times plus many other extras and (for me personally) 2020 is starting to look a bit old and out of date.

However I am intrigued with how this would sound in 2020 plus the ability to work better with VORs and more liveries.

Just need to see if I can spare a day to download 2020 and whether I want to give away all the space it takes up.

Are you going to make the leap to 2024? It’s got to be time now?

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@pby5a, looks like your liveries (at least your FedEx livery for the F27) work great in MSFS 2024!!

I think i might be getting close to that swap over…
Initially it was down to traveling and, im still deciding between the two high end packs as i am tempted with getting the 707 and a few other local legends… as we now, those two packs whatever I chose, are not for the faint hearted :rofl::rofl:
Ive realized that I have a huge number of purshases of thirdware airports I’ve never actually been to, along with countless flightsimto downloads, so I decided… Before I go out and buy this new game/sim… I really need to check these impulsive purchases :rofl::rofl: and I have been spending that time going through and actually visiting those airports before I get msfs24…
But definitely l, I will be getting it.
Thanks for changing your profile pick back :rofl::rofl: I do like that one as well.
Absolutely love the f27 and after doing another flight last night, that would qjite possibly be the deciding thing when that guy does a port over

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95% of my third party scenery/ aircraft seems to be working fine in 2024 which was one of my main decisions to go ahead and dump 2020, with PMDG now seeming to be making good progress, the F27 would now become my ONLY reason for downloading and switching back to 2020 which still may happen at some point lol

Just to add you may want to wait on 2024 until SU1 but that’s entirely up to you.

Doesn’t the F27 work for you in 2024?

The F27 is very lovely for me in 2024 but so far it’s only been able to pick up 1 VOR across Europe, I know using other aircraft I can pick up a lot more than this so presuming it muse be a compatibility issue somewhere.

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The original version picked up vors perfectly and still does. The author nerfed it to cater for people who insisted on a gps being shoved in there.
The original manual even stated that there was no gps as it would ruin the vor ap behaviour.
The downgraded gps version has that warning /explanation text in the manual quietly removed.
I did some 9 hours of testing all the versions to confirm this btw. Results on Avsim.

A few more paints for your flights down under:

BXH (00005) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

TAA(00004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

ansett (00011) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

2781(00004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Hi! Could you do Air UK :uk: for me??? :pray:

They are done already:


Thank you so much!!

I live at flightsim 2, no idea how I missed this :sob::sob::sob:

nearly done:
ozark (00011) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

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Does anyone have the same issue as me in MSFS 2024 with the F27? I’m loading in the stock aircraft (no 3rd party liveries) and the model is crazy low resolution, almost like it’s using a lower LOD than it should. I know it’s not listed as compatible with 2024 so it’s fair enough if it doesn’t work, but if there IS a workaround that would be awesome since I’d love to fly this aircraft having seen all the glowing reviews!

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