FBW A320x cold and dark problem

When I start the FBW A320x cold and dark at the gate and turn everything on the map and instruments are not available. It only works correctly if I start on the runway. I tried everything I could think of. Does anybody know how to fix this?

Are you following the checklist to power up the aircraft correctly?

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Yes, and I just get no instruments and no map.

Have you try to increase their brightness by their rotating switches?
Must be something you are missing to do.
When you select a flight starting at the runway the aircraft is already pre setted .

Are the screens black or not? Is there a “IRS ALIGNED IN X MIN” message on the upper ECAM display?

Also, you guys really need to start to ask A32nx related support questions to A32nx related sites like their Discord or Github.

I have moved this topic to #aircraft:airliners as the Bugs and Issues category is for MSFS first-party problems.

Make sure you delete your current A32NX mod from the community folder, and install the latest version of the A32NX Master Development version. Not the stable version.

You should have functional display, and as long as you align the ADIRS to NAV. You should have your ND working when they’re aligned.

Hi, i do have the same problem! How can i install just the original A320 without installing the entire game?

Just remove the FBW A320X from your community folder. Than asobo a320 should be original.

You should start external power to light up immediately, if you don’t have external power available then wait 3-4 minutes for apu to start