Feature Request External Nuget like feed for Third party add ins

I am sick and tired of downloading add ins. Add mins should work like how content for .net web sites work and programs the following is suggested

1 website like nuget.org
2 settings files to describe the add in type
3 Ability to auto download new version. When new MSFs is released
4 Update notifications
5 Improve the filter swath of the content manager filter downloaded not downloaded / out of date

The above method works very well for .net web site and means consumers only needs to hit update once on the Msfs. They should also be able to disable or enable a add in at will.

Yes I know their third party linker programs but this should really be built in

Seems like this would be too similar to the in-game marketplace. I’d rather the marketplace just have more stuff consolidated in it.

As an aside I’ve had Nuget be a living hell :wink:

Obv not using nuget correctly never been a issue for me 20 year vertren programmer

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