[FEEDBACK] Today's Beginner's Guide livestream

First of all, I want to thank @Jummivana and Wastelanderradio for hosting a fun and informative stream. Also shoutout to @Skeedorr for consistently “coming down from his seat” to engage with the public audience. I understand this is the first stream of many in this specific series, and it will get better overtime with feedback. This is the feedback.

I would like to give some constructive feedback on the structure/logistics/general on today’s stream. This is reasonable constructive advice for the task (the do), and is not personal in any way. For example, I will not say “this should have been done when shared cockpit is ready”. The fact is that shared cockpit is NOT ready, and that beginner’s guide should be made right after the launch of MSFS for new comers to have timely content to learn from.

I’m not a beginner at all myself, but I will put myself in the shoe of the target audience (beginner to MSFS/flying).

  • Most importantly is the timing of the stream. It was scheduled for 2000Z. The stream was not “camera’s on” until 6-7 minutes after*. I’m not expecting the stream to be on right on time when the clock strikes 2000Z. This is not the space shuttle launching after all. But I’m sure you’re understanding.

However, it is also reasonable to criticize that the stream should not be starting that off time. We all know streamers etc with smaller audiences that are more timely than this. This is an official stream representing companies - you know this better than me. In my book, this is completely unacceptable. If you need more time to setup the stream, start setting up earlier. You should be up and running and ready to roll when ~2000Z comes around.

  • Logistics: Currently, poor @Jummivana is quite a busy individual. She’s the host of the stream. She’s the student in a fast-pace accelerated timetable. She’s interacting and reading the chat. etc etc. This overload became quite apparent in multiple parts of the stream.

What happens when you try to do too many things at once? You end up not being able to do ANY at all due to overload. A quick off the top of my head suggestion is having a senior mod in the call to be “hosting” (narrating) and/or reading with chat and interacting with the audience. I’m sure you all can come up with the best solution.

Just for this series, let @Jummivana be the subject of the stream, not the host.

  • Wastelanderradio was put in a difficult spot today. The only indication he had to go off of was watching the twitch stream. Essentially, this is like twitch chat flies the plane :rofl:. What I’m saying is, he was going off untimely delayed information to guide the student, and this was hilarious but ultimately frustrating to the audience.

I know on a technical side, @Jummivana can’t simultaneously stream to twitch AND share screen with Wastedlanderradio which I presume is the reason why.

However, this does not subtract from the fact. The fact remains that: our “real time” instructor was not really “real time”. At this point, it feels like the instructor is giving a back in time review rather than real time coaching.

When @Jummivana was in the air flying the pattern/circuit, I can’t help but feel she was not getting enough real time guidance, and that “she was alone” in a sense.

  • Content/delivery: I have full confidence all parties involved today tried their best and delivered to the expected level. This is what they can improve in the future.
    First and foremost, this is not a daily series with 8 hours a day. This is a weekly official series spanning just 2 hours. With this perspective in mind, we really need to improve the production quality.

An example of what I mean by this is: a lack of graphics/visuals. Take when our instructor was describing a pattern/circuit. It quickly became a bit confusing for “us” beginners. We have a week in-between episodes, how hard is it to bring up a picture of a circuit for our audience? Most people are visual learners. Again, I’m not asking for advanced motion tracking 3d graphics. I’m asking for some visual aid.

A suggestion off the top of my head is have our instructor prepare a few aiding pictures ahead of time. He can then tell the student, when the time is right, to show the picture on screen for us.

  • This leads to our last and minor criticism. Structure. Again, I’m not expecting a world class lesson people pay tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars for. I undestand this is “free”.

With that said, it is also reasonable to at least have some sort of structure in the content.
For example, unfortunately our instructor did not go over what flaps were (correct me if wrong). The first time I heard the word flaps was when the student was told to use them when lining up at the runway ready for take off.

The made up beginner in me will immediately think: “Flaps? What is that? Did I miss something?”

Thanks for reading the feedback. This was driven by passion. It’s just that, at times, it became a bit frustrating to watch/learn. I do hope the future series will improve over time and I will be tuning in!

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