Filter for career mode missions

Yes, this is very much needed when some specialisations needs X amount of other missions to unlock. Tryin to find those VIP missions in sea of flightseeing is annoying. Especially when you need to zoom quite close for some missions to appear in the map!


Yes or at least a search bar where we can put keywords to filter on like the controller mappings have. I am so annoyed by looking for helicopter missions.


Absolutely!! This would make it way easier to find what we’re looking for through the “noise” of dozens of other missions. Additionally, some mission types have very few instances or are only available (for me at least) in a small number of locations.


Not only cargo or VIP but the type as well, light vs medium, and with VIP, private charter vs VIP.


This is the basics when we talk about a list of activities in a program, so developers shouldn’t need such a suggestion, this should have been done as soon as they put the list of activities.

I hope they implement this way of filtering soon, because it seems like the game was released before it was finished. That’s why I don’t really agree with agile software development!


I was just writing the post and I have seen yours. Here’s my vote. I’ve just unblocked the second level of the career and my screen is full of first flight missions I’ll never do. Will they still be there when I’m in the third of fourth level? Please, no.

The more complete and flexible the filter the better.


The map already has a layer button with options to enable/disable various icons. If they could just add mission types in there it would be helpful. I would also like to hide the First Flight missions most of the time now that I’ve progressed past them.

I’d also really like to be able to filter by aircraft type. I have 3 separate setups for planes with yokes (Eclipse + Bravo), planes with sticks (X52), and helicopters (CH Combatstick with springs removed + CH Pro Throttle mounted at an angle) so I am generally looking for activities where I don’t have to switch the setup too often.

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This is where Euro and American Truck Sim are far better when it comes to the jobs UI with various filters to choose from.

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Good call.

I’m apparently cleared to do the top level of difficulty, but finding any missions that isn’t a level 1 is a career in itself. :frowning:


A great idea! I miss it very much. I started thinking about it from the first mission.

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I agree, this is a great idea. I would love to have some filters, I’m a surprised it didn’t come out with filters to start. Mission type and aircraft type should be the priority in my opinion, but lots of other good suggestions above like what @CharlieFox00 put in


the idea that i cant filter by type of plane or credits is stupid. I want to be able to see around the world where I can fly the 208 and make the best money and XP. this shouldn’t be so hard. even just ranking missions by top credits would help so much

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It’ll be just another one of the features that they simply didn’t have the time to do, but will hopefully be pretty close to the top of their ToDo list, going forward.

Either that or they are happy for people to be spending hours on the map, trying to find a particular type of mission, of a particular difficulty/reward, in a preferred aircraft, with a duration that they can fly before RL gets in the way. :wink:

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Obvious quality of life feature, come on!