Filter for career mode missions

This really needs to get fixed. Selecting missions is more of an exercise in rejecting the 70-80% that are unwanted than finding one that works.

Then, of course you have to combine it with the preflight actions using the clunky weather preview UI and checking the runways and taxiways to ensure they don’t eat your plane. Ultimately, you spend a lot of time going back and forth looking at those 20-30% of missions that are desirable to find just a few percent that are actually useable. It’s a big time sink to find and accept a mission that would be much better served planning and flying the actual flight.


Yes please fix this. Need a filter, most of the time i am scrolling now to find a good mission

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Just give me a way to sort the airport mission list by duration or CR for now ASAP. All the other nice sort filters can be implemented later. Thanks!

Plane/helicopter filter for sure… please :slight_smile:

AND please add the NAME of the aircraft in the description.
Sometimes you click on a mission without checking everything, and the description doesn’t tell what aircraft the mission is for.

I have spent, nay, wasted, the last 2 hours trying to find soft field landing missions so I can complete the last 3 I need to unlock agg missions (I ignored it early on)… Took several that SAID grass and they didn’t give me credit and they were actually hard top runways. It just shouldn’t be this hard to find the missions you need. And some were even on land that was literally impossible to taxi on, huge cliffs of land along the “runway” (that was down in Florida along the beach somewhere)… the terrain is VERY badly done in many areas. Need to apply some kind of smoothing to it.

But yes, desperately need to be able to filter and sort missions.

And if someone hasn’t said it yet, include runway length(s) (departure and arrival). as well as mission and sub-mission type (cargo - light vs cargo - medium, etc), min transfer cost, etc.

Also if you could select a plane and go to “mission list” from that (like you can from an airport) that would be awesome. Also, allow us to select missions filtered by Specialization (or even from the Specialization view).

Also the difficulty rating is just wrong. We’re still hitting high cross winds on a 1 star difficulty missions, I don’t know what the difficulty is based on but it’s not anything human.

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This way of selecting is a waist of my precious time. I really cant understand why this basic filtering is still not fixed after launch.
Come on asobo…fire it up


It is probably the biggest time sink and frustrating part of career mode. I can deal with a lot of the other things. This is time much better spent actually in the game.

It’s also a tease: “oh, that looks like a fun flight” until you go through the rigamarole of figuring out the weather wasn’t good at that time, or it’s to an airport that doesn’t really exist (or the runway is stunted), or it’s in a plane you don’t want to fly for a number of reasons.

Further, one enjoyable part of career mode to me is expanding the “fog of war” on my visible map. I wonder if they considered that. However, because we can’t see or sort through arrival airports, you have to spend your time mousing over mission after mission, with the rigamarole and tease I just mentioned, plus a sizeable number of flights are hidden behind others just to maybe, eventually (but just as often not) find a flight to an airport that will expand your territory.

Everybody I show this to on my streams agrees it’s an absolutely counterintuitive bummer of a UI. Fix this, and career mode will instantly improve.

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You can pay to visit an airtport and then you’ll be able to see its surroundings, but it’s expensive. MedEvac missions are a good way to open that fog of war.

At first, I didn’t think I would like Career mode (in general), even before the sim was launched. Gave it a try and I’m having fun with it.

But the lack of filters is a major omission. Huge hassle trying to find Missions I’m interested in. So much wasted time.

Lots of great input in this thread. Let’s hope Asobo prioritizes this one… the 500 votes should help.


I stopped playing the game in November mainly because of the lack of a filter in career mode. :sweat_smile:
I told myself: “Stop bothering with this, come back for the next patch, it should be fixed.”
And here we are, three months later, and I’m stunned that there’s still nothing planned about it. It feels so unthinkable to me. :cold_face:
I feel like the ‘hardcore gamer’ community is overrepresented on the forum, and this kind of issue gets completely overlooked. :grimacing:
The lack of communication about this problem is really frustrating." :cry:


And imagine the amount of gamers who are not on this forum to complain about this missing feature.
Only 10% finds his way to formuns and sites. Its a shame a simple thing like this takes so long. Its a time consuming procedure now what kills the fun


This and this ! How is it possible that the aircraft is not presented on the mission panel ? Same for exemple in World Photographer challenges, you have to select the mission to see what is it to be flown with. The more certifications you have, the harder it is to find missions that you actually want to fly.
Wanted to participate in the beta, but I keep closing the sim without even taking off because of UI hurdles like these. Guess I’ll wait for a real sim update…

Thats what I was thinkin. There is one wish “I miss trains” which is voted almost two times as much as this one… This must be an error in the matrix.

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Mind if i add another suggestion for the filter system, could it have a runway length also how long the flight will take as some cargo flights i dont have 2 - 4 hours for one job sometimes but would like to do a job :laughing:

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