First FS2020 Freeware addons site with first freeware plane

Thank you. I will answer your PM and assist you as necessary. Violation of intellectual property should not be condoned.

Thank you, chintz14.
Edit: I am afraid there has been a slight mixup. My reference was to the link posted by KlikToy, see above, not the one posted by VeryOldPilot. Actually, MSFSAddons also had the illicit C-47 for a brief period, but they took it down after my complaint. As far as I am concerned, they are okay.

@VeryOldPilot: Please accept my apologies for implying that you were referring to a rogue site. You were not.

Referring to KlikToy’s site, naturally I did email them, and I did post on their public C-47 thread (no registration needed): they did not reply, they filtered the posts. So I went public, offering to talk to them privately. Didn’t faze them either.

Like you I anticipate that I will have to learn to ignore the pirates, and I am beginning to. I have already given up modeling for good, not least because of this affair, but it may be a consolation for MSFSers to know that Jan (Visser) and I have passed the source files on to a developer at Sim Outhouse, so a true native MSFS version is still a possibility, in the forseeable future. Sadly, I won’t be part of it.

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I am the messenger in this case, sharing my findings with the community.
I encourage you to contact the site operator, describe to them your copyright infringement, and demand immediate removal of your work.
I just wish you a lot of success!

Er, what I said in my previous:

Not only me, quite a few simmers have tried to post at the site and point out the lack of permission, all get filtered out. Any other comments, including offers for further mods, are duly shown (do have a look). Of course, the only one using his true identity is yours truly, all other contributors are aliases.

Sorry I don’t understand you, maybe the face that I am not native English speaker, make it hard for me to understate you, sorry I don’t.
Do you want me to delete my post, if yes, please contact the forum Admin, I am sure he can contact me, if he think that that is the action I need to follow.
Have a great day :sunglasses:

@KlikToy I have sent you a Private Message. Hope it will help.