Flap Incriments & Reversers On Logitech Throttle Quadrant

Hi folks,

Running Two Logitech Quadrants (From Left to Right)

Spoilers, Throttle 1, Throttle 2, Throttle 3, Throttle 4, Flaps.

Speed brake and Throttles work fine but the reversers don’t and I cannot set the Flaps to detent to:

0 Off, 1, 5, 10, 20, 25 and 30 Full

Can anyone tell me what do I assign for the reversers, the Quadrants have the hard detent that you pull back on for the actual reverse position so its there, I just need to know what to assign in the controls of the sim to activate the reversers.


What options for flaps in the sim do i use for the Flap stick on the Right Quadrant to incrementally Detent to the 0 Off, 1, 5, 10, 20, 25 and 30 Full positions.

0 being 100% forward on the stick and 30 being 100% back on the stick

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Flaps Axis -100 to 100% works perfectly, now for the reversers!


There are only two options in assignments the reverse thrust: toggle and hold. Found that assigning the toggle reverse thrust to engine 1 switch at back of axis and worked fine as it will set all engines to reverse :slight_smile:


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ahh ok, so technically it will only be the action of one throttle, not the 4 in say a 747 that will go into reverse, whether I physically do the action on all four throttles.

Thanks I really appreciate your reply!

If you use the toggle command you must push all the 4 axis forward to increase reverse thrust after enabling it with the button on throttle 1 axis. :slight_smile:


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Yep im having issues assigning it to throttle 1 which is button 8 for me its making the whole gamut of that throttle become a reverser

That’s the correct behavior using the toggle command. Try assigning the reverser hold instead to that button 8. It should the put all 4 engines on max reverse when button is pressed.

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Nope your right, I just needed to work it out, I have actually assigned both the button 8 and 9 and I will do the same on the right hand throttle and the right quadrant so whatever throttle gets activated in reverse then I can apply the reversers without it failing if you know what I mean, thanks so much!!

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Question what needs to happen for the sim to decide it can go back to normal throttle, i have tried a few times and it just seems to be activating the reversers, or does the engine % on reversers need to be zero first before you can use normal thrust ?

I’m jumping in here to ask if you ever figured out how to set the flaps to the increments. Maybe you guys have discussed it, but I am still a bit lost there.

I’ve tried setting the reversers to toggle in the ‘back position switch’ and it only seems to work half the time - very buggy

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This is how the reverse thrust functions currently wrt Logitech TQ:

Option 1 (Not realistic, easy to use, guaranteed to work):

Type - Button press and release
Action - Toggles the thrust modes between normal and reverse
Bind to - Press and hold buttons on the Throttle axes

Usage - In normal thrust mode, move levers forward (backward) on the axes to increase (decrease) thrust. To activate reverser mode, pull back the levers to the button positions and immediately reset to the 0% detent. Now you are in reverse thrust mode. Move levers forward to increase reverse thrust up to max. Move levers back to 0% to reduce reverse thrust. To revert to normal thrust mode, again pull back the levers to the button positions and immediately reset to the 0% detent.

Advantage - You can granularly control the amount of reverse thrust individually on multiple engines

Option 2 (Not realistic, difficult to use, guaranteed to work):

Type - Button press and hold
Action - Activates reverse thrust mode for the duration of the button press
Bind to - Push and release button on the TQ except the after-detent buttons (e.g., use the T1 button)

Usage - In normal thrust mode, move levers forward (backward) on the axes to increase (decrease) thrust. To activate reverser mode, press and hold the button. Now you are in reverse thrust mode. While keeping the button pressed, move levers forward to increase reverse thrust up to max. Move levers back to 0% to reduce reverse thrust. To revert to normal thrust mode, release the button.

Advantage - You can granularly control the amount of reverse thrust individually on multiple engines, but it will take quite a bit of finger gymnastics to achieve it. Most undesirable option of all.

Option 3 (Realistic, easy to use, not guaranteed to work):

Type - Repeated button presses
Action - Moves the throttle control backwards by small amounts from any throttle position
Bind to - Press and hold buttons on the Throttle axes

Usage - In normal thrust mode, move levers forward (backward) on the axes to increase (decrease) thrust. To activate reversers and set them to max reverse thrust position, pull back the levers to the button positions and hold it there. What this does is repeatedly sends a decrease command which keeps decreasing the throttle position until it hits max reverse. Now comes the questionable part. To disengage reverse thrust and go to 0% idle thrust, move levers to the 0% detent position. This may or may not work depending on how noisy your potentiometer is. Ironically, worse the quality, better the result. I hope you are understanding the technical limitation of this implementation. When you pulled back the levers to the button, you sent a bunch of decrease commands, but when releasing the button and setting the lever to the detent position doesn’t send an ‘increase’ command to actually put it in the idle position. You are relying on the throttle axis getting sensed by the sim to make that happen. So, if you have a potentiometer that creates some noise at the 0% detent, then putting the lever there will make the axis active and disengage the reversers. If you have a clean potentiometer, you will find that it may not sense the axis once you set it to 0%. You have to move the levers a bit above 0% to make the axis active.

Disadvantage - You cannot granularly control the reversers.


I’m using option 1 I find that the most realistic, it just takes a little getting used to. Nice work flyboy on the write-up :+1::airplane::+1:


Read flyboys explanation above I’m using toggle works a treat :+1:

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Thank you both - working a treat now :slight_smile:


I set my throttle levers to use reverse with decrease throttle map. So now each engine has own reverse when you pull back to the detent …
just like in fsx you used f2 and held it for reverse thrust, this does the same…

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I’m sorry this isnt to do with the question you asked but I have two SAITEK throttle quadrants, and Logitech told me that you coudln’t have two of them connected at the same time so I had wasted half my money. I knew htat was wrong because i"ve seen two quadrants working on a youtube video, but i havent been able to get the poster of the video to tell me how he has them connected.

Can you tell me how it’s connected please? IN my case both my quadrants have PS/2 plugs, and there is only one on the conrol yoke.

Mike K
Windsor, NSW, Australia

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I have 2, but one is ps2 plug into back of yoke and the other is usb. Can you get ps2 plug to USB adapter?

Yes this works a treat, I use toggle mode anencephaly it allows you to use the throttles to got full reversers or whatever reverser speeds you want it is awesome.

That’s rubbish they are telling you rubbish I have two and they are working perfectly in the sim, install the throttle quadrant software from Logitech and the sim will see both under controls, but I haven’t seen them with ps2 plugs, maybe you need adapters, I don’t even know if they are a thing but I’m sure they are, you will have to investigat that first