Flight sim 2020 free look from joystick

I am used to flying both on flight simulator X and explain 11. Each game I can easily use the hat switch to precisely look at what I want to. This new version of the game has changed slightly, and made it harder for me to figure out.
I have the basics done, But it is not smooth.
Does anyone have any advice/videos/step-by-step instructions on how to get that free mode with the joystick like back in the old flight simulators?

What exactly are you experiencing? Are the movements going straight to predefined views, or is it just now “smooth” enough as it pans from on location to another?

In Xplane the hat switch slowly pans the camera in the direction you press allowing you to look around. I’m unsure exactly how to accomplish this in MSFS. I’ve gotten used to the “fast look” and also now have trackir so I haven’t pursued it.

I’m not sure there’s a way to reliably do this with a hat switch, which is a shame.

I use the Logitech X56. By default the analog thumb stick on the main stick is assigned to free look. After using that, I’d have a really hard time giving up this stick for a controller without that function. So I can understand the frustration of not being able to do that when you’re accustomed to it.

There is a way to set the hat switch explained here somewhere. You’ll have to search with keywords like cockpit view or hat switch scan. I did it early on but don’t remember who provided a detailed setup guide.