Flight sticks or yokes that work with Xbox One?

I am getting fs2020 for Xbox one for Christmas. I want to get the best HOTAS setup I can for under $1000. Good flight stick or preferably a yoke. Throttle and rudder pedals. I am having tremendous trouble trying to find anything that is Xbox compatible. Every search I do on google takes me to products that don’t work on Xbox. Is there anything I can use with Xbox one?? Thanks in advance.

Edit: I guess I am also finding out that FS2020 may not be released for Xbox One in time for Christmas? That would be a slightly larger problem… :slight_smile: I could have sworn I heard it would be out by Christmas for xbox.

AFAIK, the higher end aircraft controller market is entirely PC centric. So if you want decent controllers your only option is to wait until Honeycomb (now partnered with MS) comes with the X-Box compatible versions of their controllers. They are also bringing pedals and a HOTAS set. Maybe Christmas 2021?

Meanwhile I suppose you could get the cheap Thrustmaster console HOTAS set as quickfix, if the old gen one still works with the new console.

No release date for the game on Xbox at the moment

Didn’t Honeycomb just announce a stick/throttle combo for xBox? No news on when it might become available.