FlightSim Studio B727 Freighter

727 Freighter (


Freighter, ppfft. I need a bowling shoe 727 . Lol

Pax version coming later.

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To my knowledge there hasn’t been a properly represented, study-level 727 produced for MSFS since the Dreamfleet 727 for FS9. So incredibly excited for this, it’s way overdue!


Really looking forward for a 727 in MSFS.
However looking at the cockpit picture, the size of the thrust levers (too big) and the speed brake handle (way too small) concerns me.
Also find that the reflections of the glass on the instruments are grossly overdone.
Hopefully the devs will look into this before release.

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did you guys hear about that fligh sim studios is working on a cargo boeing 727 to be released around the end of june?

im kinda hyped about this… a retro boeing aircraft with full steam guages will be amazing in the game. and i know AH wil release a 707 but thats a big plane
the 727 will in my opinon be a verry good addition to the game

Certainly interesting. Here’s the product page - 727 Freighter

Also, I found this peculiar. On the main page of FSS, it mentions that they are trusted by MS/Asobo, and then further down that page mentions, and quoted:

“As a direct supplier to Microsoft we are responsible for various content in the Microsoft Flight Simulator core.”

Can anyone elaborate on that, has it been mentioned elsewhere?

Anywho, I’ll wait until the reviews are in, but definitely one to watch, and July 2024 too! :grin:

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This is such a stereotypical flight simmer comment, we really do let perfection be the enemy of progress…

Maybe this is a customised aircraft for people who like to go fast and brake for no one, explains the super polished glass too (seriously though there is nothing the devs can do about this as its a due to the screen space reflections the sim uses)

Let’s just wait and see how it turns out, it’s not far off now


honestly i kinda like the look. gives it a slight washed out look and rtro vibe

im eagerly waiting for the release to fly some cargo routes with a clasic 3 enine boeing

and by the way i hope its not too expensive like the tfdi designs md11

This looks pretty good, after comparing real 727 cockpits to this one, it looks good. Not sure about the oversized throttles in the picture showing them from behind the pilot seat, looks pretty accurate to me.

Let’s hope this is a high quality 727

I haven’t seen anyone talk about it but apparently there is a 727-200F coming soon. FSS plan to release it before the end of July.

Product page: 727 Freighter

A short video appeared on their YouTube channel yesterday showing a part of the flight deck and some of the sounds.


How about posting a photo of the real levers etc, so we can compare.
Personally I have never been in a 727 cockpit.

Oh my bad, this is where you guys are hiding :slight_smile:

Feels like we’re lucky this summer with so many great planes being released

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It is really hard to find a photograph of the B727 throttle quarant which shows the true size of the speed brake lever due to perspective.

Note the size of the speed brake handle in relation to the throttles and flap lever.

Real aircraft:

FSS picture:


Thanks, Yes, they look different, however your photo has a lot of LCD Displays as well, instead of the analogue gauges in the screenshot.
I think i need to do some googling.

Many 727s have been retrofitted with more modern avionics, like FMS and better weather radars.

That’s 2 FMC heads and a weather radar screen my dude. Common fare for the birds over the last 25 years. I’m always down to go down a 727 System’s Fidelity rabbit hole but I think having a speed brake handle correctly proportioned to the thrust levers is important.

So the release day is 6th of August 2024 8:00 UTC. Price 40 eur / 42 usd. From their Discord channel:

727: Release Date and Information

Hello, @everyone - it’s time to provide some more information regarding the release of the 727! Let’s get the big stuff out of the way first: you’ll get your first major look into the 727 with the release to creators on August 1 at 0:00 UTC. Who will have access? Look for dark-green names, or people labeled Content Creator. We have both larger and smaller creators on the team, in multiple languages, and they’ll be happy to show you all aspects of the 727 so you can get a feel for it before it’s released to you all.

Speaking of which - when’s that? The full public release will be on August 6, at around 8:00 UTC. Yes, it’s slightly after our predicted target, but this little bit of extra time will allow us to get some last-minute things into the release that we think you’ll enjoy (rather than releasing these as an update later).
Of note - we had initally stated the GNS-XLS would likely be included in the initial release. This has been delayed in favor of an enhanced INS system, and will instead be included in a free future update, most likely 1-2 months after the release and initial bugfixing cycle.

Well, let’s start the countdown - and we’re excited to get this long-awaited aircraft into your hands.

Thank you!
-The FSS Team

Oh, and about the price. The simulation of the retro aircraft you know and love will be available for just €40/$42 - making this product available for budget-minded simmers as well.


SWS and FSReborn are also working on a 727, which will offer both pax and freighter variants. Hard to say whose is going to be better since they both have fairly stable track records. Neither produce the absolute best (nor anywhere near the the worst) aircraft so I for one will likely wait till both are available. Worth noting, however, that SWS/FSReborn’s looks like being FS2024 only.