FlightSim Studio B727 Freighter

That’s a bug which I experienced a couple of times too (plus some other people in this thread). Restart the flight (or better the sim) and that should fix it.

I did try both of that but it still didn’t work. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Will try again tomorrow.


You can also try to trigger a new WASM compilation. If you have the Steam version go to C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020\Packages and delete the FSS727 folder. Then restart the sim and it will do a new compilation (first long loading into the flight) of the airplane.

That did the trick!

Thank you very much!

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And in the next flight it’s not working again. This is kind of annoying I have to say.

I really hope the guys from FSS are going to fix this

Ok. For me for some reason it only ever works on the first load of the aircraft. First load after deleting the WASM folder thing.

Extremely frustrating

Hey guys, seeing some comments here about CTD’s with the 727. So far just trying to get this thing loaded into the sim has been a challenge. CTD’s everywhere… I just made this account so I can’t attach the CTD log here but any help or suggestions would be great!

I’d like to help but it’s quite difficult with CTD’s. Have you tried the airplane with an empty Community folder? You can also try to delete the folder with WASM compiled files for the 727 before starting your flightsim and trigger a new compilation before your flight. If you have the Steam version go to C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020\Packages and delete the FSS727 folder.

I’ve just tried the 727 again after a few months away. FIrst I updated it through Aerosoft One, then I loaded it up in MSFS2020 and got a WASM has crashed error “some of the aircraft systems may not work” type of thing.

Then it CTDed.

I uninstalled it, reinstalled it and now it crashes while loading into the simulator evertime I press fly from the main world menu.

I have tried to delete the 727 folder from the packages folder, but there isn’t one.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

It used to work a few months ago

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I’m away from my gaming PC so I can’t check, but I beleive Aerosoft creates its own folder somewhere, that they put stuff you buy from their store.

If you bought it from the Aerosoft store, you can also delete it from the app.

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My only suggestion is to join the rest of us waiting for FSS to provide an update that solves the CTD issue. I had great fun with the aircraft at first, but have completely given up on it due to the CTD-on-load problem.

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Have you guys experiencing CTDs on PC followed FSS’s recommended update procedure?

I have, many times. Fresh installs, and even clearing the work folder between sim sessions - I have their cleanup script file on my desktop for easy access. Still crashes on load more often than not. Other than the 727, the sim is rock solid and never crashes so it’s a localized problem.

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Have you tried with an empty Community folder? It can be addons conflict. I’ve never had a CTD with the 727 in MSFS2020, only that WASM compilation problem from time to time when there were some things not working. I haven’t had a CTD with this airplane even in FS24, nor that WASM thing anymore.

So I thought I’d give it a try. Dumped a number of items out of community, leaving airports. And was reasonably pleased - I got 2 flights in on the 727 before it started crashing the sim on load again. Not community related as far as I can tell. No further changes and the sim crashed on the last three attempts to fly. That’s enough for me - back to stuff that works.
I miss this airplane, hoping FSS can figure out the issue. It’s a common enough problem across many users that it should be solveable.


I am having the very same problem right after just purchasing and installing it.

Here are some easy troubleshooting steps for MSFS (2020).

Microsoft Store Edition

  1. In the game, delete any rolling cache.

  2. Delete the simulator .dat files


If the problem persists, take this extra step.

  1. Do not add anything other than the problem product(s) to the Community folder before running MSFS again.

Steam Edition

  1. In the game, delete any rolling cache.

2. Delete the simulator .dat files

(AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes*.dat)

If the problem persists, take this extra step.

  1. Do not add anything other than the problem product(s) to the Community folder before running MSFS again.

Note: the quickest way to do this is to rename your Community folder to CommunityX.
Create a new Community folder in the same location and move only the one product into it.

Also, for me, the FSS 727 has never missed a beat, even in MSFS 2024 with the unsupported “experimental” version.