Fly in California = CTD - Fly in Europe is fine?

Anyone having issues flying in So Cal today? I had crashes, even a PC reboot in SoCal. But in Europe all is normal?

No - also CTD

I figured you might be full of it…

I have had tree CTD in a row flying KPSP to KBUR!

Various points Taxi, holding at R31L, just short of entrance to Banning Pass.

There might be something to this?

Maybe a server issue for that area? Too many users? Who knows, probably will be fine tomorrow…

I was in SoCal earlier today, no CTD.

I would suspect a buggy mod/airport in this case.

99% of my flights are in CA and I’m not experiencing these CTDs.

Well my sim is super stable, and the CTD was totally repeatable. Soon as I went to Europe to fly no issues at all. Live weather was on, maybe that had something to do with it…although I mostly fly with weather enabled anyway.

No issues for me, two flights from KLAS to KBUR.

I did have pretty bad frame rate on the second flight for a few minutes, I think it was all the clouds. But no CTD and both flights went as planned.

My issues happened around 8am Pacific Time USA this morning… Probably any issues have been fixed by now I would assume…?

Mine was earlier in the morning also, but after your post. So almost 11 or 12?
I am almost always on west coast, maybe a server issue.
Was using live weather, IFR throughout most of SoCal.

Just finished a KSBA to KPSP. It was one of those great FltSim ones, the clouds, the city lights, inbound flights to KLAX. The only issue was the oft reported ATC voice server lost/gained three times.

Next up, let’s bust the TFR over Pasdena, and see if MSFS put a Rose Parade into the sim.

No crash to desktop since 2020. Deactivating all that online trash nonsense features makes the simulator stable as a block of concrete :wink: no crashes freezes or CTD´s whatsoever.

Specifically, what are you turning off?

No CTD’s today in SoCal for me. seems back to normal.

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