enquiring minds want to know
Flyby camera , Static camera , Control ability of aircraft when in Drone mode and mission builder.
When in drone mode, the “C” key toggles between drone control and aircraft control.
That works , thanks for the tip.
Yes but why does it also freeze the controls like my yoke and rudder pedals when I have an Xbox controller for the drone, that’s just makes no sense.
Please confirm.
When using the drone with an Xbox controller and hitting the “C” key, my yoke and rudder pedals freeze and I can’t control the aircraft. Is that what you are saying in your post?
No when I switch to the drone camera my yoke and rudder pedals no longer function even though I am using a Xbox controller to control the drone. I shouldn’t have to press C to get control back with my Yoke, I should have never lost it in the first place. Pressing C does give me control back but then the Drone camera can no longer be moved with the Xbox controller. Nonsensical.
Ok, I hear what you are saying. And that is the way it is designed. When operating the drone, the controllers for the aircraft are disabled. Using the “C” key toggles their connection to the aircraft.
If you wish there to be a different arrangement, please post you suggestion in the #self-service:wishlist subcategory. Thank you.
Yes but then when you press C the drone controls stop working, it makes absolutely zero sense. Whoever thought up this needs to go back and actually try using the things they have designed.
Flyby camera would be great
Should add to your comment that Active Pause is a “work around” when using the drone and losing aircraft control. Or have to make sure the aircraft is on autopilot.
I agree with @AndyDigital that if you have other peripherals for aircraft control (joystick, yoke, rudders, etc), as well as an XBOX controller, that using the drone with an XBOX or equivalent controller shouldn’t disengage the other peripherals that controls the aircraft.
So in other words, the sim should detect the user has an XBOX controller as well as other peripherals to control the aircraft while in drone mode. Also, I’ve noticed that this is a “hit and miss”. Sometimes I have control while in drone mode and sometimes not.
Did any of that make sense?
Hey folks, I’m just a moderator here, not part of Microsoft or Asobo. I understand what you are saying and recommend you suggest they change this feature in the category I mentioned above.
As for the Active Pause comment above, normal Pause (similar to FSX) is still available but needs to be bound since it isn’t enabled by default. The is normal Pause works as one would expect, pausing the aircraft and all its systems completely. It is much better suited to screenshots with the drone than Active pause at this time. Here’s what the bindings look like.
Thanks for that, I was unable to find this pause. This thread I have found very useful, solves some of my basic problems.
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