FlyByWire A320NX

Hey all. I’m not too sure where to post this but I just installed the flybywiresim A320NX. I’m sure many of you know of the aircraft, so I have a question. Framerates are terrible in the cockpit (13FPS) when close to a large airport like Denver. FPS is great outside of the aircraft at high altitudes, but it’s almost unflyable from inside the coclpit. I’ve reduced the glass cockpit quality to low and still no luck.

It’s a wonderful aircraft so I hope you know of any tricks that can help without affecting scenery too much. It would be appreciated. Thanks!

Have you tried to lower the settings in graphics > Glass cockpit refresh rate? Low should be working fine. Large airports also have a lot of (animated) objects that can have a major affect on fps. And, the FBW A320 has dual cockpit screens (not linked as in default)

Edit: And use generic models for GA and Multiplayer planes.

Can A320NX developers implement to have possibility to turn off the co-pilot screens ?
Can ASOBO or MS developers implement to have possibility to turn off the co-pilot screens ?

if not

  • can someone please programm it ??? i can pay for it,i believe it will be cheaper then buy new pc,i believe it will help to increase the FPS…

People were complaining about that since the first time that was implemented in dev version, later in stable, asking for option to disable that or different version without it, but they decided to try to optimize it through code rewrite. As far as i know, they’re working on it, but don’t expect some magic, maybe few fps more. For now, only thing that helps is turning them off, that should reduce microstutters and give you fps boost.

My framerates are excellent inside, but I have this issue:

Thanks for the response. I have the glass cockpit at it’s lowest setting and all AI traffic is down to virtually nothing. Also, this is the only add-on I have installed. Everything is default. Frame rates remain just as bad inside the cockpit. I may be getting a 1 fps difference, but nothing to really brag about. I’ll have to figure out how to disable the co-pilots screens to see if that makes an improvement. If you know how, I’d love the the assistance.

@Hugothester - That was happening to me also. I managed to improve it by lightly taping the rudder pedals. That made the plane settle down a bit, but I still get vibrations similar to the default aircraft n this video here:

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There are dials on co pilot side to turn off those screens

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I also have this same issue.

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I had that yesterday too! I disengage the autopilot and then turn it back again and the problem was solved. Today I made a flight and surprisingly not oscillating, I don’t know what triggers it!

Regarding the FPS in the cockpit I have seen the camera moves with a bit of stuttering, I haven’t found a solution to it…


Here’s the latest flight with the FlyByWire A32NX

Same issue here!

You need the hardware to run a big city with the A320NX well.

I have a top of the line PC (10700k + 3080) and still only get 20FPS landing at Ohare in the A320NX. These are with Ultra settings and high refresh cockpit. That being said, 20FPS is more than enough for me to enjoy.


The Cockpit view in the A32nx development version is sooo unrealistically high and close to the instruments, as if i sat on the front edge of the seat on a pillow. I very hope, this will change in the next stable version. I love the A32nx… but not like that!

Do you mean the FlyByWire mod for the A320neo?

Then this is not the correct place to ask for that change. :wink:

Either way, you can change the position of your camera in the cockpit. In the control settings look for ‘translate camera’ in the cockpit camera section. There are also options to move the camera up and down, though I don’t know how these are called.

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It’s true. They changed it on purpose. I’m not quite happy with it either. I usually reset my view for take-off and landing and with the current default view I can’t see neither the FMA nor the needle on the speed tape. As one could imagine I really like to see these during such phases.

I thought about filing an issue but on the other hand it doesn’t bother me that much. I’d prefer to have them concentrate their ressources on the important stuff.

P.S. What is the vote for? If you want to have it changed, ask on their Github or (better) Discord.

Oh i didn’t know, i can adjust the position, i will try that! Thanks

Just tried the Dev Version. The default position is quiet fine, you can see all the instruments, doesn’t look that close and the seat position sight gauge are as they should be (right white ball obscured by the red middle one).

You can turn them off with the brightness knobs :blush:

The new position is based off the eye reference indicator, so theoretically should be more appropriate and realistic.


I can’t imagine, this is appropriate! Looking to the right side or down, i can my “eyes” are exactly above the front edge of the seat! Sitting on a chair in real life, my eyes are almost exactly above the centre of the chair

i have stutter issue on runway with the developer version and missing that pilot view. revert back to 4.1 stable is fine