Nice screen shots!!
I regularly have the problem, that after using the toe brakes (TM rudder pedals), the parking brake is engaged, and for now I have bound a “toggle parking brake” to a joystick button, and pressing that fast enough after softly applying toebrakes, prevents the aircraft from stopping. Verrry annoying. The whole controller setup is soo bad, they urgently have to change it from ground up, and I wonder why this is not the #1 on the bugs wishlist.
Aside from the initial launch access issues now largely resolved, I think the next biggest issue for people was setting up controllers. There are still experienced users now scratchingtheir heads over control and keyboard bindings. They should have kept the familiar keybinds from 2020 as default I think, and may be had the option for a basic mode too. There is currently too many auto-saved keyboard and control profiles that duplicate up if you are not aware of them being created.
I’m not sure how newbies are ever meant to understand it all. However once I figured it out it’s been fine and for me the A380 has largely been controller issues free though after setting it up in the A380 EFB.
My biggest controller issue was the stuck brakes on the A380.
Bit thanks to a kind soul i was directed to the correct thread on that forum that helped me solve it.
Then I ran into the issue, that the simbrief flight didn’t want to import.
I removed the Navigraph AIRAC and that solved that issue for me as well.
So I was finally having a full flight with this great aircraft since on 2024.
So what was the root cause of your parking brake issue?
Interestingly I just updated to Navigraph AIRAC in 2024 and although it works, the A380 FMGC was offering me duplicate STARS so it definitely isn’t working as intended with that Navigraph airac. (I may have to uninstall navigraph airac.).
For the parking brake, this was my solution.
I had the same issue with the FENIX btw.
But going to Developer mode in the aim, monitoring the wheels and then follow the steps in that thread, finally solved the issue for me.
It’s crazy we have to resort to all these workarounds! Glad to hear it fixed your brakes problem though.
For the dev version they are updated as soon as something is added to the master branch as I understand it. This is usually several times a week but no one knows in advance when.
I think it’s whenever someone’s fork is accepted into the dev branch and merged. Then eventually the dev branch gets merged into master which is the ‘stable’ branch. But I don’t know their GIT methodology or branch names.
You’re correct in nobody knows when those things will happen as everyone is a volunteer and have no set deadlines for anything.
But do they mention what they have added? also there were MULTIPLE updates today and it made my aircraft all pink like static pink, there is a 2nd/3rd update going on now, so I will update you all here on what happens
Nope not working, the plane has some bugs now
Yes, you can see every change on their github page. I think it you follow the commits master branch, you can see every push, and also a link to go to the change and see exactly what they did. You can even see the code diff if you want!
I’m enjoying this aircraft, I hope both teams can sort the performance challenges so more can enjoy this big bird. I loaded the 8k textures on my system just to try and maxed out 4090 VRAM at KJFK even with the cabin turned off with clickspot, pretty impressive on that front. No big deal, set it back to 4k, installer did a great job of changing back quickly and easily. Flying at night with some clouds this combination is quite the sight to see.