Flying Iron Spitfire Engine randomly dies mid flight

Hi, i have a really annoying problem with my Spitfire and i need some help. I bought the Flying Iron Spitfire yesterday, made a couple of test flights and today it randomly started to die mid flight. Everything works perfect and then from one second to the other the engine just shuts down. I did everything by the book to start it (it also happens when i go direct to "ready to start) and i have more than enough fuel in the tanks. I also can’t lower the landing gear when it happens and i’m forced to ditch it in the water. I did restart the game and the pc and it didn’t fix it.

Has someone a idea how i can fix that? Its bloody annoying…


Hum, at which altitude were you flying ? It could be something with the fuel vaporisation when outside pressure is too low. Did you switch on the pressurised tank ?

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You’re not alone

I expect you let the rubber band unwind too much :rofl:


I found the solution: I’m stupid… Didn’t change the RPM after take off and killed the engine…


There seems to be a trend now toward enforcing engine damage models even if damage is set to off. Not sure why. There’s a setting to allow the user to play in realism mode or fun-game-do-anything mode.

Why not use that functionality? Is it somehow “cool” for developers to enable damage all the time, and laugh at users?


I can only think of 3 aircraft where this is the case and all 3 are WW2 warbirds.

But for sure, if the damage modelling of the aircraft would follow the general game settings that would be a bonus I suppose.
However, while I’m not a developer I’ve heard a lot of comments regarding the SDK not being entirely complete yet and that the documentation is pretty rubbish so it may be a limitation of the access that 3rd party Devs currently have?

I think it is an SDK limitation, custom engine damage modelling isn’t compatible with the in game difficulty options for some reason. PMDG made theirs optional via their tablet so it would be nice if other Devs who have custom engine damage could also make it optional via an in game tablet or notepad etc. Personally I don’t mind it and fly the planes within their limits but I know not everyone wants to and having the option never hurt anyone.

I guess we can blame the SDK as usual…everyone does. I’m sure there’s a way around that though. Maybe have two planes, one spitfire, and the other spitfire-unlimited. Same codebase, just a little mod to the engine realism code. Like they did with the clipped wing, only even simpler.

But, if they force damage, the Uber realism guy can play but the gamer can’t. If they leave it out, both can play.

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Correct. A lot of people tend to bring back the Throttle, but forget about the Prop Control Lever (which is very important!).

Regarding the engine wear - we have been investigating and we are yet to figure out how to get the users’ failure settings. If we can’t, then we might look at making one of the radio channel buttons a toggle.

Can you please estimate the next update ( date )?

Do you cut back the prop and mixture after take off?

The pdf manual tells you what rpm and boost (throttle) settings to use for the various phases of flight and also temperature limits to watch out for


Yeah, i did realize that after i did read further than just the starting procedure :sweat_smile:

Question: how can i end the Flight? Maybe i‘m blind but i can‘t find anything about it in the manual. And the co-pilot always kamikazes the plane into the next building when i try to let it end the flight after parking…

Hi, try to turn off the battery…

I have all the damage turned off and infinite fuel. Basically I can do whatever I want and this still happens…

The spitfire is my favorite plane so far and I want to be able to use it how I want.

I have only had it happen in the spitfire so far

@ KolbyGalaxy :sunglasses:

It does say that however because I have no damage modifier it Sigourney matter. It has happened a few times before this past update, however now it’s all the time.

Yes now the plane is much more realistic…
If your plane does that it’s because your engine is overheating, you have to play with the RPM joystick to stay within 2600RPM

But I don’t want that damage so I have no damage enabled. Does that plane ignore the no damage setting?