Flysimware Cessna 414A

As a mechanic, all I can say is that you obviously have yourself a fuel leak!

I am joking of course but that really is some strange behavior. I certainly don’t see anything in your controls that would explain that much of a split.

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Certainly weird! I have a feeling it’s the way my physical fuel selector switches are configured. But the strange thing is the knobs in the VC are correctly positioned. But my physical controls are really only designed to work with a single knob (left / right / both / off). I’ll try assigning a profile that has NO binds for the positions but it’s still weird that they are rotated correct visually in the 3D - maybe it’s a bug that internally it’s using my physical position and getting confused with how to show it with 2 separate knobs.

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Be careful. Depending on what you are using for the external controls the vc may not follow. So just because it looks right does not actually mean it is. This is because the actual control is not also what drives the vc animation. You’ll know if this is the case by seeing if the vc animation follows what you set externally for all settings. I’d have to check again what the C414 is actually using.


I noticed this as well last time I flew this aircraft, I’m sure I didn’t notice this prior to the last update. I have been doing a lot of game clips lately, so I’ll check to see if I can notice it in any of those.

The thing that has thrown me is that the LCD for GP/H is showing the same value… surely THAT is based on an actual usage from the tanks, regardless of what the fuel selector knobs are “showing”? And it’s equal left and right on the display there.

Those values are what each engine is using but do not reflect what tank the fuel is coming from. Both engines could be taking fuel from the same tank. What I’m saying here is the vc may not match external hardware when it comes to the selector positions. If you post what vars/events you are using I’ll compare them to what I have for them. FWIW I’ve never experienced what you are seeing. Perhaps it’s a new thing.

Understood, thanks!

I’m not using Spad or any external software like that. Just the built-in control settings. I will post my settings when I am next on the PC (tomorrow) but I guess it’s not possible to set up properly with the controls I have. I mean to have with ONE position on ONE switch, to say to use the left tank for left engine and right tank for right engine.

Ok, I went for a fly last night and the tanks remained evenly split, they definitely weren’t even on the flight I took a couple of days ago.


Mine were evenly split too. But hey, a good opportunity to fly this bird again. Forgot how good she was. I have been on Xbox lately and she became a hanger queen due to issues that have now been worked out.

I think the post below yours shows exactly what I mean actually… for Xbox users who use the controller, the aircraft is practically AOG just now pending an update…


There is a bug in the SIM post SU11 with fuel values getting reset in the SIM W&B screen mid session/flight. I wonder if this might impact aircraft that use state saving in some way.

The important thing to remember is to not be too eager to update this bird. This developer has shown a continual thirst for updates which can have positive and negative impacts, particularly if you have no way of going back. History tells us that some of these updates have had regressions or new bugs introduced. I always wait until I’m hearing that it’s worth updating to before taking the plunge and because I can I keep the previous known good working one that I had so I can roll back in case there is something I don’t like. I urge others to consider doing the same.


Yes hopefully the throttle bug will be sorted soon. Tried flying on Xbox with Xbox controller the other night, but approach/landing throttle changes are difficult when you have to keep moving to exterior view to change it, or adjust each engine throttle with the Xbox cursor…


I’m hoping too… flying the Vision Jet whilst this one’s in the hangar, hopefully not long before we’re back in the air again.

Are we really going to suggest that sounds recorded on YouTube are what they really sound like? Eek.

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Just reporting back, looks like it was my fault. I had been using my profile (as below) with the magneto rewired to the fuel selector and it doesn’t play well with this dual tank system. I don’t think there is a way to make it work but I just flew with a profile without the magneto here assigned to anything (I have a Logitech switch panel that I use for Magnetos) and the tanks were draining equally.

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Anyone else getting the alternator lights coming on after start up, even though they are turned on? Cycling them fixes the problem, not sure if it’s a bug or a procedural thing that I am doing.

Even if they work it looks like you only have selector 1 setup. You could perhaps try using the same switch to set both selectors but you will have to remember to keep the tanks opposite in the both position. So something like

Off - both selectors off
L - both selectors to left
R - both selectors to right
Both - selector 1 left, selector 2 right

For normal operation you would obviously select Both.

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Throttle bug/white dot bug solved on Xbox controller, thank you


It would be good to know what updates have been made in 3.4.5 and 3.4.6. The change log only goes to 3.4.4 on Flysimware’s product page. For example, is mixture control now functional on the Xbox with the introduction of WASM in SU12?