To celebrate v1.2 of FlyTampa Las Vegas, here’re some screenshots from a extended local flight visiting the area within VFR rules (corridor and routes). Henderson (KHND), Boulder (KBVU), North Las Vegas are among the fields visited and my favorite FBO Atlantic at KLAS.
GPS track from Foreflight mobile app:
Departing runway 1L. Quick right look to see liner’s terminal…
… Left look at the Atlantic FBO where I use to go (in real and in sim). Not the cheapest one but as it was the first one I practise years ago I assume the fees and benefit from the shuttle:
After overflying Henderson and staying below the Bravo in the Blue VFR corridor, let’s overfly Boulder City Airport default MSFS scenery (KBVU):
Lava Butte (VPVLB) up north of my local flight to join the ATC cleared route to El Cortez Hotel (VPVEC) for a touch&go at North Las Vegas (KVGT):
What I personaly call, the old strip Fremont Street, downtown and El Cortez Hotel (VPCEC):
Just for training purpose, a touch&go at North Las Vegas default MSFS scenery (KVGT), runway 30R:
Then let’s fly back to McCarran with a right base Stratosphere (VPVST) for the 19’s runways. Most of the (real) time I come from south west and join the far left downwind 19 and turn base abeam The Stratosphere:
Final runway 19R… The wrong runway for the wind condition (030 at 10) but that’s OK, we’re in the sim and the runway is… so long:
Short final 19R and the Atlantic FBO is awaiting me:
A very standard situation I met (in real). Right at Sierra, facing the Janet fleet and the Strip from the ground. At that very moment, I generaly mixed the Foxtrot and Hotel taxiway and the ground controler wake-me up :
Not parked far way behind all jets This time, I show my C172 muscle and stay in the front door The livery is N4975F which replicate the plane I love to rent from PlusOne flyer club at San Diego: