UK update? It looks great and has awesome 3rd party scenery.
VR? Relevant for a fraction of the users, and while very nice to have it’s eye candy.
You hit 2M users. The launch has been successful, very much.
I am not a hater, I think this sim is awesome, and a major step forward, in the right direction.
But now you need to cater the needs of the hardcode simmers, those who will stick around a year or ten from now. The fact that so many 3rd party addons are still being released for prepar/fsx testify that you haven’t stormed that market. And that this the market that will fuel your addon store for years to come.
You should focus on providing the 3rd party developers everything they in in the SDK FAST. PMDG, Flight1, Aerosoft - work with them, focus on that!
You need the missing parts from old sims - float planes, helicopters greatly enlarge what can be done in the sim. Things like contrails or water trails for floatplanes seem very minor additions but are ranked very low on your list…
Let scenery and aircraft developers build scenery and aircraft - you can’t compete with the output power of the community. Or you can, but after you’ve dealt with the real stuff. Number one item should be the SDK. You don’t want PMDG to spend another minute on FSX/P3D. They too know they’ve sold a copy to everyone using those, they need THIS market now. And you need them on board.
How about they focus on fixing all the broken stuff first? Like that autopilot is completely nonfunctional in an airliner if you start from cold and dark.
With regard to 3rd party developers and SDK development, that’s already ongoing.
AP is working ok with FBW A320 and Working title CJ4.
They should enable 3rd party developer to do their thing. How many times and how recently have you used a default airliners in FSX? We have mostly default aircraft right now.
Not an acceptable solution. Lot of us don’t use mods (especially while still in flux and in a beta stage). Regardless, the base product that was paid for needs to be fixed.
Furthermore they need to be getting their development and QA process to where each patch is fixing things more than it’s creating new issues.
The base product that everyone paid for needs to work as-advertised and be a priority before the above-and-beyond stuff.
I don’t agree with you about scenery update, those scenery update with massive terrain mesh update are great and the fact that we can explore the world with streamed data is really great.
As an example: I will never buy a Japan high resolution mesh scenery and I don’t want to fill my SSD with payware scenery eating disk space and money.
I like those updates, I take them as gift…
I think they need to fix the CTDs. I have not actually landed in the last 4 flights. At this point, I haven’t touched MSFS in more than a week; it isn’t fun for me right now.
I agree totally with you.
I have posted quite a few similar comments like yourself advocating that ASOBO move/retrain staff to concentrate more on SDK/Systems issues. I am really wanting so called ‘study level’ AC and I can’t see this happening until the SDK is vastly improved. So, yes, you are preaching very much to the converted here, at least, in my case.
I agree on VR being a strange thing to prioritize. At least they should have gone for multi monitor first. I believe there are more people with that set up.
The point you make about the UK update is strange. What would you let the artists do then?
The fact that 3rd party devs still are releasing things for other sims is not Asobo’s fault. It shows that they either still had something in development, or that they are currently not able to adapt to MSFS. 3rd Parties already said sales for other sims dropped and that MSFS allows more freedom to them…
That being said, I do wish they improved their priorities a bit. If we have to wait for them to clear the massive feature requests before they start thinking about smaller ones, we’ll have to wait a long time. And often it’s the smaller ones that will improve the quality of the UX. Ideally it would be a mix of top voted wishes and small wishes that improve the UX for all of us.
(I’m keeping a list of these small requests they should take a look at for the next Q&A. It’s currently about 30 items long But I want to wait and see what ‘surprises’ they have for us on December 22nd)
Those too are likely a fraction of the 2M pilots.
I think the US and Japanese updates are awesome. They encourage me to explore those places. I’d also say that adding in more photogrammetry is the single biggest scenery improvement that can be made, and isn’t feasible at scale with community mods so I’m very supportive of what Asobo are focusing on, particularly if it means more photogrammetry in the UK!
I don’t think it’s an all or nothing thing either - I’m sure they’re able to add new features and fix a couple of bugs at the same time (+1 on request to fix autopilot btw).
I am not complaining about a UK update per se. But UK looks awesome while other stuff is missing and broken. I am complaining about the focus of where they put their efforts into.
But they will stay and spend money in the store. The others are gone in a year.
Your expectations are unreal then. For 40 years the best aircraft systems were modeled outside MSFS. They cannot have the firepower to build everything. they build a platform.
You think of this “using mods” as in the context of other games. It’s a lack of understanding of the eco system.
Refereeing to what FBW done as “beta and flux” is you loss. Give it a try. It’s way less beta than the current default airlienrs.
So wouldn’t it make sense if they handled the “casual” stuff now and took care of the “hardcore simmers” in around a year?
The casual stuff is non issue - they did awesome work there. It looks great. They can fix performance, etc. But its missing core parts.
I can’t comment on that. I don’t have CTDs. Yes, if people experience CTDs that take priority.
They are working on adding VR though.
I feel like the VR priority issue is beating a dead horse at this point…unless you work for Asobo or have an insight to their workload staffing positions. You really don’t know what they have staff dedicated to nor who shares general workload of the sim. Maybe the core of the VR workload was dedicated to certain qualified staff just for that…TO WORK ON VR INJECTION?
Maybe but I would guess that there are also quite a few hardcore simmers or RL pilots who have either purchased FS2020 or have so far not yet moved from X-plane 11 or P3d because they feel that FS2020 is predominantly a Scenery Simulator. To ignore this substantial market area would not be financially wise either.
Also possibly the hardcore simmers and RL pilots are the ones who will be here long term and will likely be the ones more prepared to spend money on expensive add ons. In short, they are a great source of long term revenue and to ignore them is short sighted and does not make economic sense.
I further wonder how long the casual simmers interested mostly in scenery and flying over their house will use the sim before they get bored and move off onto the next new ‘thing’.
I love flying over my house, and look forward to years of this great sim. Some seem to forget it took years for “Study Level” aircraft to appear in previous sims… Cannot wait for the new Aerosoft release and other launches in the coming year… but my expectations are resopnable… i also realise this sim is only 4 months old.

UK update? It looks great
Really?, UK looks great?