whenever I enter the world map to plan a flight, the FPS starts to crumble pretty soon after to about 7 or 8 FPS, rendering the menu almost unusuable. Before that, the menu performs at 70 FPS. It only happens while using world map sooner or later, but getting out of the world map back to the menu doesn’t solve the problem. Once it crumbles it stays there sadly untill I relaunch MSFS
If I still manages to launch a flight, the sims performs very good as usual however. As soon as I end the flight and get back to menu, more often than not, it’s back to horrible FPS. Alt-Tabing or else doesn’t solve the problem either.
Odd thing is, I don’t think I ever experienced this until about yesterday. Relaunching MSFS solves the problem but it quickly crumbles again…
If I use dev mode to see FPS counter, it says it’s limited by coherent GT Draw.
It seems to happen more specifically just when I set a departure point. And then the FPS crumbles to 27-30 at best or often at 7. Didn’t happened until recently though, some of it might be on my side I guess.
Did you have live traffic and see all players turned on when looking at the map? I know yesterday when i zoomed in on LAX the mass amount of players and real world traffic was insane and bogged down the map load. Still pretty cool seeing just how many people were flying around LA haha.
I think you’re right. I just launch a flight at new york and the map was totally ok when I set the departure point. I recall there was plenty of aircrafts showing on the map, whereas I’m not sure I’ve seen any whenever FPS were crumbling.
And now that I think of, I spent few days at launch without being able to go online (market place was greyed out, no live weather, that sort of things). That would make sense.