And I am certain they said the ideal spec should enable 4K @60fps
My system is somewhere between recommended and ideal but not even close to a 1440p 60fps (maybe they meant 4K DLSS Ultra Performance with Frame Gen?)
If I remember correctly they were talking about 30fps.
Even so, I have a system that exceeds “ideal” spec and can’t manage 15fps in certain situations. I’d happily take 30fps in the most demanding situations (with only default aircraft/scenery) as that would mean everything else is improved as well.
Honestly, the sim does perform pretty well for me outside of those very high-demand scenarios, but those “high-demand” scenarios are still within what should be standard operating limits.
If i understand correctly what was said in today’s live stream, their approach to tackle this problem will be to reduce the size of the data. But no other changes to how the sim handles memory.
I hope we will not get a more unsharp and blurry scenery.
i dont think so, because they are only going to touch airports
Yeah, if you listen to their first few statements they acknowledge that they are loading more data than they have VRAM… think this is why it affects 8GB 12GB and 16GB systems.
I am actually running OK on the 3070ti primarily reducing the texture detail and a few other hacks. The marketplace SFO was killing me so I went back to the standard… I kept a few others for the local bridges.
I have to go back and try JFK again… that was a killer.
Basically from what they said from the latest dev stream, they have reproduced the issue but they have not found a fix for the issue.
So what they are doing is as I predicted they are doing a global vram optimization fix also they will provide more information on the fps counter for physical memory and virtual memory.
For those people that suggested using the windows task manager, good job as it provides more details than the FPS counter that MSFS provide.
Exactly, and from what I understand they acknowledged they haven’t even understood the LOD system in first place(?). I could see this helping, since it was pointed out early on from the community that it looks like the system is loading in hires textures even for elements not visible on screen, or far away. However, I see a lot of LOD work also with third-party scenery creators, since they need to setup each and every element with correct LODs. Might be a long road in front of us…
I’m feeling optimistic. The fact they have a clue that it has something to do with airports/airport textures etc. makes sense, because my FPS only tank while at close final or during take off.
Memory management is also load what is needed, don’t load things that are not visible.
The solution is not making the complete LOD blurry!
Airports make “some” sense. I have used the drone cam on some airports and gone inside objects. For example, jet bridges have textures on the inside of wheels and structures… why? Same for other things like vehicles, clutter… again why?
Check it out for yourselves, it’s quite widespread.
It not important how many graphic textures there are, because it’s the way you handled them. Load what you see or want to see. It’s not interesting what’s inside or on the back of a building when i can’t see it. It must be made visible when i look at it. It’s al about handling the data. Memory management is not the strong point of this product.
'nuff said
at the very least consider how much memory is available… you know? somehting pretty basic
instead of just allocating everything and we’ll worry about it later
Even more so if your software is going to deal with 3rd party content. You don’t know what the quality of their work will be, or if they are going to use 3 trillion polygons for a door knob. The sim should enforce a hard cap on scene complexity regardless of the underlying scenery, and stop allocating when the memory is exhausted. I would prefer an incomplete scenery than the sim dying on me like it does now.
After last night’s dev stream, I’m feeling more confident in the future stability of the sim. The Marketplace aims to launch on Feb 18th, and the first world update in March, followed by the eagerly awaited SU2 in April. I thought we would have had to wait until June or July for SU2 so this is welcome news indeed.
I wonder how you come up with such a statement? Msft/Asobo have acknowledged the problem but have no concrete solution. They are fighting it with optimized textures and models.
Doesn’t sound like a solution to the problem itself.
because its not
the car cant make the trip without breaking down, so, lets do shorter trips instead
its not a fix, its a workaround, and one that they can offload to their partners to do
There’s an implication here to their answer which hints at the reality of memory management in the sim: they that certain texture types and modeling methods used by Gaya for the new handcrafted airports and their LOD system are problematic and they’re re-doing and optimizing all those textures and LODs to reduce size without impacting quality (paraphrasing obviously).
What that IMPLIES is that the Gaya has been building non-optimal airports, likely using too-large textures and probably textures for things that are never going to be seen, because they’re inside solid objects or whatever. And frankly, even going back to 2020, the Gaya-created airports have ALWAYS been heavier on performance than equivalents from third parties, but now we know why: they haven’t focused enough on optimization of model LODs and texture sizes.
A further implication here is that because of the way the new sim is streaming data into the user’s PC, when they load into certain aiports, too-large textures and non-optimized models are being effectively “dumped” into the user’s system, overwhelming the GPU’s VRAM and choking it.
Note what they did NOT say: they did NOT say SU24 is handling VRAM differently than FS2020 is handling it, at least at some fundamental level. That means the difference in how the two sims are handling heavy VRAM loads is because of the new LODs and some developers’ (cough Gaya) bad airport optimizations.
It sounds like from that Seb stated is that by optimizing these airports using more efficient texture sizes and modeling techniques, it results in smaller, more granular data chunks that can be properly loaded/unloaded from VRAM and NOT choking out the user’s system.
But I guess we’ll see between now and SU2.
this is not entirely true. It often happens that I log in at small airports and this error appears randomly. It is enough to run the simulator again and in the same place everything is ok.
I am not convinced by the argument that this is only a matter of poorly optimized airports from other manufacturers.
This makes sense to me. From what I am experiencing it is not so much WHAT they do (high visual quality vs low visual quality) but rather HOW they do it. As example of what I mean: this is the in-sim handcrafted EGLL Heathrow. This is a massive airport with lots happening: I clearly need to tone down the traffic! But the VRAM usage is under 12GB, frame rate over 40FPS.
Now at the small Swiss airport LSZR Altenrhein:
On the first image I am still OK on frame rate for the moment BUT the warning signs are there: almost 14GB VRAM being used
In the aircraft on the runway: over 16GB used and all of 8FPS! And as you move the camera it goes down to like 3FPS.
- Big, handcrafted airport with TONS of aircraft OK. Clearly this is well implemented.
- Small handcrafted airport with minimal traffic emphatically NOT OK. Clearly then this is poorly implemented
Note that I have used many highly detailed small airports such as KFHR Friday Harbor for instance that are all also OK.
My takeaway is that it is clearly NOT required that they dumb down everything. If they identify the VRAM hogs and improve how they use memory, we will have a win-win. This is my hope in any case.