Frame rates have halved since new patch

It is not known confirmed and solved.

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It is not confirmed and solved.

It is not and solved.

I can confirm, after several days testing, that this is also true for me.

RTX 2080Ti

Usually ran at 45-60fps before the latest patch.
Now runs at 45 at most, declines for 17-19 if aimed at certain directions, for no obvious reason.

GPU shows 97% usage just parked at the airport (an Orbx download). It never went that high prior to this patch.

I have turned FXAA and MFAA “off” in Nvidia control panel, as suggested. It does not appear to make any difference.

Oddly, reducing graphics settings from Ultra does NOT seem to make much of a difference either.

It’s still playable, but definitely not the same performance as it was before the patch.


I’m struggling with the same issue here

i7 8700K
RTX 3080
1440p gsync monitor

Pre-update used to get 25 - 40 FPS regularly at ultra settings. Post update dipped to sub-10 (5-9 FPS). After much distressed troubleshooting, a clean reinstall of Nvidia drivers seemed to bring FPS back to pre-update levels.

The larger question for me is the sub-par frame rates anyhow - others with inferior tech specs are claiming much better frame rates.

How to do a clean reinstall of Nvidia drivers?

My FPS appears to have dropped around 10… Was getting 50-60 FPS on high, now like 40-50 FPS.

There is an option in the installer, but it is not a real clean install.

To do it from scratch, I suggest to use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) and uninstall it, then reinstall without the Nvidia experience.

If you scroll back to topic nr 196 you can find some additional info.
If you’re going to use DDU, download it from the Guru3d site.

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To do a real clean install of your NVIDIA drivers is a bit of a faff, truth be told.
You need DDU here is a useful link:

Read the instructions carefully and use with caution.
I use it every re install. It is safe and effective.

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Ditto re DDU. That man. Haha

Yes. Definitely without Experience

Thanks. I uninstalled and reinstalled my Nvidia drivers. It helps. I now spawn in the cockpit on Ultra in the mid-40s with no downgrade when I look around. Sometimes it goes above 50. GPU usage is in the high 80s. It’s not what it used to be, but far less noticeable slowdown. (This was at a hand-crafted airport near a hand-crafted city, same place I was testing before. When I go to a generic airport in the middle of nowhere, I’m in the 50s and GPU is in low 60s.)

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According to my experience it’s not enough to turn off FXAA, all AA settings in Nvidia’s Control Panel need to be off otherwise the frame rate drops significantly. I’ve attached a screenshot of my settings, these settings brought the frame rate back to where it used to be before the patch. Oh and remember you have to restart the sim after you made the changes in the Nvidia Control Panel for the changes to be applied.


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Hi I have no intention of hijacking this thread [apologies to the initiator] and I certainly am not in the business of comparing settings [mine have been arrived at over years of simming and work well for me].
I include a screen of part of my C. P. as a courtesy and to ask you [out of curiosity] where you are with your Anisotropic filtering setting? As can be seen, I am at 16X [max] which, combined with my other settings, works well.



Hi CaptainLIF,

Just out of interest, why would you use AF16x in the Nvidia Config settings when the recommendation says “use global when this setting can be altered within the program”? Maybe I’m missing something :confused:.
Thanks for your reply :wink:
Btw, I also don’t want to highjack this topic [apologies to the TS]

I always set everything that’s possible within the game so in this case AF is set to 16x in MSFS 2020. For everything that cannot be set in game I revert to the Nvidia Control Panel (e.g. power mode etc.).

Hi, and thanks for the interest.
To try to answer your query, I set AF [to X16] in the C.P. because I have found it is better to do it there than in a/the sim.
That said, I had no idea that the recommendation says anything to the contrary.

Please, which and who’s recommendations are they?
I would be very interested to read them.

sorry again to you ApeJim

As far as I know the Nvidia settings override any aplication-settings. In other words, when you set AF16x in Nvidia, this overrides the FS settings (when they are different).

The recommendation comes from Nvidia, you can read it at the bottom of each setting (but of course not in Dutch).
Btw, I think it’s a good idea to delete our past messages to cleanup Ape’s thread, agree?

Yes any settings in the C.P. DO override the in sim settings.
That is precisely why I do it this way round.

I am happy, of course, if you are concerned about being off topic to wipe my half of the conversation.
But if any prevailing recommendations exist in some formal way please, before we do, guide me as to where I may find, and then read them.

Bear with me/us ApeJim.

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