Free view (internal and external)

Anyone know how to speed up the mouse wheel scrolling zoom in freelook? It scrolls extremely slowly for me, and I can’t find a setting to make the zoom faster

Thanks for the suggestion will check it tomorrow morning and report back ASAP

Not sure but in controls section of settings general
Select mouse and then search input (scroll the wheel there)
Now you will get several zoom option which are bound.
Maybe here you can experiment will find to change some just click the gearwheel end of the line brings the options to do so

Another option would be in setting general ->accesibility-> effects and animation-> cursor settings
Try here cursor acceleration.

Hope this works for you

Thanks for your help - but actually just found it under general settings > camera > cockpit camera - there’s a zoom speed setting there

It was set to 10, but 50 works perfectly now

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That a good one, have not thought of this one thanks for sharing

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I am finding the free view with mouse initially works in cockpit view but once you go to external view and then back to cockpit view the free view with mouse no longer works in cockpit view (still works if you go back to external view) Only way I have been able to resolve is either restart the sim or simply do not use external view if want to use free view with mouse in cockpit view. UGH

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I wrote the following post, but then found this one. I’m having the same issues and was hoping someone might be able to assist with figuring out help what I may be missing?

Issue: when I first installed FS2024, I was able to use my mouse as normal to look around the cockpit freely, (aka, freelook - holding down my right mouse button, or toggling freelook by clicking the center wheel) to view my instruments, look out windows, zoom in on EFB, etc. I have tried multiple mice with the same result.

At some point in the first or second day, the cockpit “freelook” function was no longer accessible by right-click (Hold) on my mouse, or center-wheel click. I uninstalled the simulator and reinstalled it, and the mouse worked once again in cockpit view, and then the next day, it no longer worked.

However the exterior Freelook camera, mapped to the same inputs, has consistently functioned normally. I’m attaching screenshots of my bindings below.

I would be very appreciative if somebody has experienced this and/or could tell me (or help me brainstorm ideas) that might solve this problem? I realize it could just be one of (the thousands) the bugs in this Alpha release, but I hope not. Looking around the plane is fairly important.

Cockpit View Settings (Not Working at all):

Exterior View Settings (Working Correctly):

Thanks in advance for any ideas.


I did this too and now my mouse works in cockpit view!

EDIT: It worked for 2 minutes and then stopped.

I have same issue and same scenario. I have a Turtlebeach Velocity One Flight Stick and noticed that if I unplug it, freelook will start working. When I plug it back in the freelook stops working again. I am curious what peripherals you are using.

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How do we get this post moved to the Bug Reporting Hub? I don’t think this is a standard user support issue.

Same Turtle Beach V1 Flight stick!

Yeah, I have no faith in bug reporting. So I wanted to just get input from others. But if you start one, I’ll join it.

Can you verify if you unplug that free look works?

If your freelook isn’t working and your on PC and you use a Yoke/Hotas/Stick with an analogue hat stick then this is the fix. (This may work on Xbox, someone needs to test it for me)
The issue is once the hatstick is moved and returns to it’s centre position the SIM is still reading an input conflicting the mouse input.
Go to settings and then select the device(s) from the list, press ‘H’ to go into Hardware Settings and select the hatsticks ‘X’ & ‘Y’ axis settings and give each one a dead zone of anything between 0.1 - 0.2 and save the changes.
Now the SIM isn’t reading an input any longer and mouse freelook should work again.
Good Luck. O7


Confirm this works. Thank you so much!

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If you have your keyboard set on msfs2024 settings, the to move around in the cockpit it should be shift+w for forward, shift+s for backward, shift+a for left, and shift+d for right. Shift+e and q will go up and down.

General Settings → Camera ->CockpitCamera->Switch HomeCockpit off → set Speeds about 25

I have spent a few hours around this issue, it also hapened to me.
Spent a few hours mesing around with the key definitions but nothing worked, and got to a point where i said that it was imposible that my settings were wrong and just quit.
So happens that leaving the definitions as they looked correct to me, external freelook toggle sometimes is working perfectly, sometimes it is not and freelook is allways on.
So definitelly it is not a keymap issue, it is certain to be a bug.
Will wait and see is some patch solves it.

Sorry if this is already mentioned somewhere above, I didn’t read the entire thread.

I had a similar issue where Freelook would sometimes work and sometimes not.

It was caused by one of the things on my Throttle being configured. As soon as I unbound that from some of the Rotate X and Rotate Y axis bindings, it worked flawlessly from then on (using the mouse).


Thank you very much, that did the trick.
I removed all the stick pov completely (never use them) and it works like a charm